Cat Puns, Scientists and Social Media

by |January 29, 2013

Social media plus scientists plus Chemistry Cat puns is a great formula for a talk, right? Sure! Or at least that was the premise of the inaugural talk for the winter/spring edition of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Earth Science Colloquium Series for staff and students. This past Friday, Lamont’s Rebecca Fowler and the International Research Institute for Climate and Society’s Brian Kahn kicked off the season with a talk entitled “Beyond Cats: Communicating Scientific Endeavors Using Social Media.” Below are some reactions to it compiled using Storify.

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[…] Social media plus scientists plus Chemistry Cat puns is a great formula for a talk, right? Sure! Or at least that was the premise of the inaugural talk for the winter/spring edition of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Earth Science Colloquium …More By Brian Kahn […]