Urbanization Archives - State of the Planet

line of buses and vans

Why Fines and Jail Time Won’t Change the Behavior of Ghana’s Minibus Drivers

Research shows that a range of structural factors, including exploitative labor relations and police corruption, compel and solicit dangerous driving behavior.

by Festival Godwin Boateng  |March 17, 2021
resident stands near rainwater harvesting system

Study Paves Way for Rainwater Harvesting in Mexico City

The city has installed more than 20,000 systems for some its neediest residents.

by |January 14, 2021
two men at a gate

Challenging Social Exclusion in the Urban Built Environment

A new book and online resource list offer perspectives, ideas, and resources to decenter whiteness within historic preservation.

by Anna Gasha |December 29, 2020
bicyclist and scooterist on nyc street corner

How Urban Transport is Changing in the Age of COVID-19

The pandemic is changing how we get around. Emergency response measures and experiments around the world offer lessons for sustainable mobility and resilience strategies going forward.

by |July 10, 2020
diagram of how lungs work

Density, Equity, and the History of Epidemics in New York City

The city’s economic success depends on its density. But density also allows contagious diseases to spread. Looking at how the city has managed this conflict in the past could shed light on what the future holds.

by Richard Plunz and Andrés Álvarez-Dávila |June 30, 2020

Social Distance, Sustainable Cities and Building Public Health Capacity

The return to a normal way of life and to renewing our push toward sustainable cities requires that we develop an apolitical, science-driven public health capacity.

by |April 20, 2020

Urban Farms: Growing Community Across the Five Boroughs

While urban agriculture is often praised for promoting sustainable growing techniques, one of its most important qualities is its encouragement of social connections and civic engagement.

by Lydia Wood-Hull |March 11, 2020

Pod of the Planet Ep.3: Transport for the People

An interview with Professor Jacqueline Klopp on how travel early in her life affected her career.

by |March 6, 2020

Gentrification vs. Sustainable Neighborhood Development in Sunset Park, Brooklyn

Two futures exist for this neighborhood: one of gentrification and luxury real estate, the other of environmental justice, job growth and opportunities for people whose families have called Sunset Park home for generations.

by Neely McKee |February 27, 2020

Coronavirus Response Shows the World Is Not Ready for Climate-Induced Pandemics

The outbreak in China shows we still have a lot to learn when it comes to dealing with global pandemics, which are expected to increase due to climate change.

by Jennifer Zhang |February 24, 2020