Steve Cohen, Author at State of the Planet

The Next New York City

If we are successful in modernizing our economy and greening our infrastructure, and if we do this in a way that expands opportunity, then New York City should seamlessly regain its symbolic and actual place in our economy and in our consciousness.

by |April 12, 2021
capitol building on january 20, 2021

Rebuilding America’s National Government

The presence of a competent national government capable of investment in the future will enable environmentally sustainable economic growth.

by |April 5, 2021
protestor holding sign that says "climate action now"

Biden’s Climate Summit and the Practical Path to Decarbonization

Following four years of Trump’s climate denial, the Biden administration has gone all in and is starting to articulate a comprehensive climate policy.

by |March 29, 2021
protestor holds a sign saying "racism is a pandemic too" at a black lives matter rally

The Long Battle Against Bigotry, Racism and Hatred

While the struggle is difficult and at times discouraging it is always worth the effort and I believe in my heart, that we “shall overcome someday.” We can never give up or surrender.

by |March 22, 2021
epa logo

Michael Regan and the Reconstruction of the U.S. EPA

The next four years should undo the damage of the past four years and put America back on the path of effective environmental policy.

by |March 15, 2021

Looking Back and Looking Ahead After a Year of Pandemic

Our human need for social interaction will influence our calculus and my hope is that when normal life resumes, we never again take it for granted.

by |March 8, 2021
cars moving long highways

The Danger of Infrastructure Incoherence

Over 70% of the American public favors Biden’s stimulus plan and I suspect a similar number will support an infrastructure bill that will rebuild our roads and restore employment.

by |March 1, 2021
electricity transmission tower

The Texas Power Grid and the Failure of Deregulation

While we need to mitigate climate change and will need government-driven public policy to do that, we must also adapt to the climate change that is already underway.

by |February 22, 2021

Compassion, Empathy and American Anti-poverty and Immigration Policy

We should be able to find it in our hearts to help children, dreamers and refugees, and our new president gives me hope we can do just that.

by |February 15, 2021

Climate and COVID as Crises of Environmental Sustainability

Human technology and ingenuity have created a world of comfort, curiosity and creativity. But we have failed to account for their impacts on the systems that sustain the planet and in turn sustain human life.

by |February 8, 2021