What Everyone Should Know About Climate Change

by |September 17, 2014

Climate scientist William D’Andrea of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory asked young scientists attending a symposium last October, “What do you wish everyone knew about climate change?” He turned the responses into this video, which covers the topic pretty well.

The interviews took place during the Dissertations Initiative for the Advancement of Climate Change Research symposium, held in Colorado Springs, Colo., in October 2013.

D’Andrea, a Lamont assistant research professor, also asked attendees a second question about their research: “What do you want to know about climate change?” The answers are in this second video.

The views of these young scientists are compelling, and reflect the kind of concern voiced by many people and organizations leading up to Climate Week Sept. 21-28. World leaders will focus on those concerns at a UN Climate Summit Sept. 23. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called the summit to encourage governments and private organizations to take steps now to create and implement solutions addressing global climate change. Advocates hope the gathering will set the stage for a broader international climate agreement to be negotiated in Paris in December 2015.

Also, tens of thousands of citizens are expected to join a “People’s Climate March” Sunday, Sept. 21, to push for action on climate change. Visit the Climate Week NYC website to find out more.

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Climate change is something that I really don’t know too much about, but it worries me more often than not. It’s sad that things people have done in the past are effecting us today, and that decisions we make today will in turn effect future generations. Choices we make today can have a huge impact on our globe in the future. It’s important to start making changes to hep with this climate change problem. Any positive change can help, even the smallest one. My company currently got rid of the plastic cups we used to use at the water station… Read more »