Photo Essay: Rising Islands, Monster Wave

by |October 2, 2015

Researchers at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory have published a new study showing that a tsunami of unimaginable size swept over the Cape Verde Islands some 73,000 years ago. The discovery may have implications for the potential for modern hazards.  READ THE FULL SCIENTIFIC STORY

CV NASA 960 beagle 960 Darwin RR and JM 960 RR rock 960 Fogo still 960 Fogo erupts ze antonio 960 Fogo lava river Fogo NASA 960 wave 960 RR and JM 960 ridge cut 960 boulder 960 goats 960 tarrafal 960 chisel 960 Katherine 960 lookout 860 donkey 960 volcanic sand 960 volcanic rock road 960 boys with water 960 drums (5) 960 fogo (3) 960
Volcanic eruptions have paced migrations across the Cape Verde islands, sometimes at great cost. The population on Fogo has been growing thanks to rich soils that support vineyards and wine-making, and an uptick in tourism, that has fueled a demand for lodging and restaurants. The November eruption wiped out the grapevines pictured here and a new national park welcome center nearby.

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how can someone go soo close to volcano eruption