Ben Orlove, Author at State of the Planet

Researchers standing on a dirty glacier

How Might This Year’s Forest Fires Impact Glaciers in the West?

Glaciologist Mauri Pelto shares his first-hand observations and knowledge about how ash from the fires could impact this important resource.

by |October 21, 2020
worker wearing face mask holding white roses

A Minority of Peruvian Mountain Farmers Benefit From Government Pandemic Programs

Many Peruvians sell roses to earn a living. A new government policy could make matters worse for small growers already hard hit by the pandemic.

by |May 15, 2020
glacier in austria

New IPCC Report Offers New Data, Stern Warnings, Hope

The report shows that every degree of warming matters for livelihoods in most communities.

by |October 11, 2018
Members of the Japan Family Farmers’ Movement showing their support of peasant rights

UN Resolution Would Protect Land and Water Rights of Rural People

This proposed declaration includes a number of rights, and specifically mentions that water resources in mountain ecosystems should be protected against pollution from mining activities.

by |October 5, 2018
Glacier experts gather at an IPCC meeting in China

Glacier Researchers Gather at IPCC Meeting in China

Ever wonder how thousands of scientists come together to author the world’s most authoritative report on climate change? A lead author brings us inside one working group.

by |August 2, 2018
halbe zijlstra at un security council

Meeting at UN Security Council Discusses Climate Change and Conflict

The council discussed the security implications of the changing climate and debated what the council’s role should be in this issue.

by |December 22, 2017

Palcacocha Icefalls Demonstrate Hazard Vulnerabilities in Peru

In the last week, calving events at Lake Palcacocha in the Peruvian Andes released masses of ice from a glacier on Mount Pucaranra, showing the weakness of the existing infrastructure designed to protect the region from floods.

by |June 12, 2017

The Candidates Agree: America’s Aging Infrastructure Needs a Fix

Once infrastructure decisions are made, they are locked in place, often for decades, sometimes for centuries. Recognizing this fact, there is an urgency to think in new ways, rather than simply stick with established practices and systems.

by |November 4, 2016

Melting Glaciers Help Spur a Message on Climate

On Oct. 5, several small mountain countries with glaciers—Austria, Bolivia, and Nepal—undertook an important step in advancing global action on climate change. They helped the Paris Climate Agreement reach the threshold to enter into force and become legally binding.

by |October 10, 2016

How Climate Influences Wolf Recovery in California

Some evidence suggests that the glaciers on Mt. Shasta might have something to do with the location of a newly-spotted wolf pack in northern California.

by |August 26, 2015