Brian Kateman, Author at State of the Planet

Summer 2015 SEE-U Study Abroad Experience

Apply now to the Summer 2015 Ecosystem Experiences for Undergraduates program. Undergraduate students of all majors can apply for the opportunity to conduct field work and study unique ecosystems abroad.

by |December 11, 2014

Fall Courses in Sustainability & Conservation

The Earth Institute Center for Environmental Sustainability (EICES) at Columbia University invites you to enroll in courses this Fall via our Certificate Program in Conservation and Environmental Sustainability.

by |September 2, 2014

Strategies for a Hotter, Scarcer and More Open World

Author Andrew Winston will explore “the mega challenges of climate change, scarcity, and radical transparency that threaten our ability to run an expanding global economy and that are profoundly changing business as usual.” He will provide cause for optimism as he profiles leaders in the business community who are bringing value to society and positioning themselves to capture the unprecedented opportunities that will emerge in responding to these challenges. These individuals and companies, and others to come, will be “the winners of this new game who will profit mightily.”

by |April 1, 2014

Psychology of Environmental Decision Making and Sustainable Behavior

Countries vary dramatically in their records of environmental responsibility. Some nations such as Switzerland and Norway are well known for their willingness to sacrifice for the future good, while countries such Iraq and South Africa lag far behind. There are certainly socio-economic reasons for these stark differences, but is it also possible that human psychology shapes our perception of environmental responsibility?

by |January 6, 2014

Certificate Program in Conservation and Sustainability Spring Courses

The Earth Institute Center for Environmental Sustainability (EICES) at Columbia University invites you to enroll in courses this Spring via our Certificate Program in Conservation and Environmental Sustainability.

by |November 25, 2013

CUriosity3: Intersection Between Arts and Sciences

Join instructors from our Executive Education Certificate Program in Conservation and Environmental Sustainability including Dr. Shahid Naeem, Dr. Matt Palmer, and Dr. Eric Sanderson. for a FREE public seminar program addressing the intersection between Arts and Science with the goal of initiating discussions and debate around the common ground of creative practice and scientific discovery.

by |October 30, 2013

Finding Threatened Animals New Homes

Translocation in wildlife conservation is the capture, transport and release or introduction of species, habitats or other ecological material from one location to another. The authors argue that many species will need to move to a different location in order to survive. For species that are unable to relocate naturally, the only chance of survival may be to assist them in colonization.

by |September 13, 2013

Conservation & Environmental Sustainability – Fall 2013 Courses

The Earth Institute Center for Environmental Sustainability (EICES) at Columbia University provides executive training in environmental sustainability through courses in science, economics and policy. We invite you to join our leading experts and practitioners, strengthen your understanding of human-ecosystem interactions, and become an effective environmental leader and decision-maker.

by |August 2, 2013

Mysterious Honeybee Deaths Remain Unsolved

According to a comprehensive federal study, the collapse of American honeybee colonies stems from a complex slew of factors, including pesticides, parasites, poor nutrition and a lack of genetic diversity.

by |July 10, 2013

Spring Courses in Conservation, Ecology & Policy

The Earth Institute Center for Environmental Sustainability (EICES) at Columbia University provides executive training in environmental sustainability through courses in science, economics and policy. We invite you to join our leading experts and practitioners, strengthen your understanding of human-ecosystem interactions, and become an effective environmental leader and decision-maker.

by |March 13, 2013