Center for International Earth Science Information Network, Author at State of the Planet

Woman administering polio vaccine to a child

Technology Behind GRID3 Program Helps Eradicate Wild Polio in Nigeria

Geospatial data holds great potential to improve health, food security, and educational opportunities in developing countries.

Global COVID-19 Map Viewer Shows Case Data, Age/Sex Features of At-Risk Populations

A new tool provides data that can help identify populations most at risk from coronavirus, around the world and down to the U.S. county level.

Map of Urban Areas in the Low-Elevation Coastal Zone in Japan, 2015

Rising Seas Threaten Low-Lying Coastal Cities, 10% of World Population

In a new report, CIESIN researchers help to identify urban populations at risk from sea level rise. Their updated data set is meant to inform adaptation strategies.

Projected climate and other (non-climate/development) migrants in Mexico and Central America between now and 2050: total (top) and as a percentage of the population in the region (bottom)

Addressing Climate Migration Within Borders Helps Countries Plan, Mitigate Effects

A new report is the first to focus on longer-term climate impacts on crop and water resources, and the ways in which they may influence internal migration.

graphic showing Ghana’s scores for indicators in the category, “Investing in People.”

Indicators Support MCC Goals for Low-Income Country Development

One of the benefits of tying funding to achievement on a majority of indicators has been to increase the incentives for countries to perform well across a wide range of indicators.

High-resolution settlement data

CIESIN Teams with Facebook to Develop Open, Improved Settlement Data

New high-resolution population data will help us understand better how people are distributed in many countries throughout the world—as part of Facebook’s goal to connect people everywhere to the Internet.

Connecting Space to Village in West Africa

A new project, SERVIR-West Africa, will use space-based climate, weather land cover, and other NASA satellite data to address issues such as food security and the availability of fresh water in Ghana, Burkina Faso, Senegal and Niger.

Map of flood and drought exposure in transboundary river basins

Report Assesses Risks to World’s Shared River Basins

Risks for the world’s Transboundary River Basins are projected to increase in the next 15–30 years, particularly in four hotspot regions: the Middle East, Central Asia, the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna basin, and the Orange and Limpopo basins in Southern Africa.

Helping Communities Respond to Climate Change

A new tool helps scientists communicate better with communities on global climate change issues, increasing awareness and stakeholder engagement.

Figure of two images. The one of the left shows 2015 estimates of population density of a coastal region in Kenya from CIESIN’s Gridded Population of the World, version 4 (GPWv4), which is based on census data. On the right, New Facebook estimates of population density in the same coastal region in Kenya. This allocation, which is derived from processing of third party satellite imagery and incorporates GPWv4, provides a higher resolution map of population distribution.

Working with Facebook to Create Better Population Maps

Knowing how settlements are distributed across the landscape—e.g., in clusters, along roads or waterways, or scattered widely—has important implications for designing infrastructure, improving access, and promoting sustainability.