David Maurrasse, Author at State of the Planet

David J. Maurrasse is a research scholar at the Earth Institute. He is the president and founder of Marga Inc., a consulting firm providing advice and research to strengthen philanthropy and innovative cross-sector partnerships to address some of today's most pressing social concerns. He serves as an Adjunct Associate Professor at the School of International and Public Affairs, teaching a course titled "Strategy, Community Partnerships, and Philanthropy". He has published numerous books, including "Beyond the Campus" (2001), "Strategic Public Private Partnerships" (2013), and others. His upcoming book, "Philanthropy and Society" will explore how strategic philanthropy can include the perspectives and participation of grantee communities.

Recent Posts

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How Philanthropic Organizations Can Do More to Support Racial Equity

Black communities and organizations receive blatantly low philanthropic funding. To fix this, foundations must examine their values and the populations they serve.

by |June 11, 2020
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How Philanthropic Organizations are Addressing Coronavirus Around the World

The repercussions of COVID-19 are being felt around the world. A variety of forms of philanthropy have surfaced in response.

by |May 7, 2020
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The Role of Philanthropy During the Coronavirus Pandemic

In an effective democratic society, philanthropy should complement and expand on government action and resources.

by |March 24, 2020

How Private Philanthropies Can Maximize Their Impacts

In his new book, Philanthropy and Society, research scholar David Maurrasse highlights strategic and inclusive tactics that help philanthropic institutions to more effectively serve their communities.

by |February 25, 2020

Patient Capital: Financing Nonprofits

Nonprofit organizations face pressures to focus spending on external operations and pull back on central administrative costs, but this emphasis can undermine the ability of the organization to effectively deliver its services. The concept of “patient capital” offers another point of view.

by |February 15, 2017

Anchor Institutions Task Force Holds Annual Conference

In November 2016, the Anchor Institutions Task Force held its annual conference in New York City. Over 150 representatives from a variety of anchor institutions and partner organizations came together to discuss how anchor institutions can make valuable contributions to community and economic development through local partnerships.

by |December 3, 2016

Anchor Institutions and Employment

Despite the significance of anchor institutions to local economies, popular and political discourse does not always emphasize their importance. Anchor institutions, such as universities and hospitals, provide various employment opportunities while contributing to the health of local economies in other ways.

by |October 31, 2016

Global Philanthropy and Inequality

Recent trends now point towards global philanthropy becoming the new norm. Global philanthropy aims to reduce inequality in developing countries through many forms. But inequities persist, and different manifestations of global philanthropy will be challenged to increase impact and achieve a demonstrable shift in areas such as poverty, health, access to opportunity, and beyond.

by |May 17, 2016

Philanthropy and Inequality

In the field of philanthropy, foundations have been confronted with how to address structural racism and various forms of systemic inequities. How can foundations play a greater role in reducing racial disparities, promoting criminal justice reform, and tackling any range of manifestations of inequality?

by |April 12, 2016

Anchor Institutions and their Significance to Community and Economic Development

Partnerships between anchor institutions and local organizations and businesses are vital to solving problems in localities and regions. Through engagement, investment and collaboration, anchor institutions can continue to play a crucial role in providing significant social and economic development opportunities to the communities in which they operate.

by |March 8, 2016