Elisabeth Gawthrop, Author at State of the Planet

Elisabeth Gawthrop

Elisabeth Gawthrop is the Communications Coordinator at the International Research Institute for Climate and Society.

Recent Posts

drought stunted plant in field

How Much Do Climate Fluctuations Matter for Global Crop Yields?

A new study finds that ENSO has caused widespread, simultaneous crop failures in recent history, running counter to the long-held assumption that crop failures in geographically distant breadbasket regions are unrelated.

by |July 9, 2019
diego pons gives a presentation at a roundtable

ACToday Unites Farmers and Scientists to Solve Climate Challenges in Guatemala

Thousands of Guatemalan farmers will now have access to state-of-the-art forecasts and other climate information to help them increase crop yields and earn more.

by |June 26, 2019
fields and wind turbines in ethiopia

Training Agents of Change: A New Approach to Reach Ethiopia’s Climate-Vulnerable Farmers

A training course marked a major step in a project that will equip farmers with climate information to manage food production in times of drought and extreme weather.

by |June 14, 2019
two men drawing weather maps

Climate Service Initiative Begins Work on a New Continent

After a decade of development in Africa, the ENACTS initiative is expanding to Bangladesh this year.

by |June 13, 2019
map of predicted precipitation levels over several months

El Niño Arrives, Unfashionably Late

In February, the long-predicted El Niño event in the Pacific began to finally take shape. Here’s what it could mean for precipitation levels over the next few months.

by |March 11, 2019

Q&A: Climate Information for Food Systems

Scientists at the International Research Institute for Climate and Society are studying how much climate plays a role in the global food supply, identifying food system vulnerabilities in specific areas, using new kinds of climate information in agricultural modeling, and more.

by |December 12, 2018

The Latest in Subseasonal Climate Prediction

Until recently, predicting rainfall and temperature at the subseasonal timescale (i.e. between two weeks and three months) was considered impossible. That’s beginning to change.

by |December 12, 2018

New Study Shows Promise for Long-Term Weather Forecasts in South America

The Paraguay River is an essential lifeblood for the landlocked country that shares it name, but it can also be the source of deadly and costly floods. Now scientists are one step closer to predicting the likelihood for heavy rain weeks ahead of time.

by |August 6, 2018
bangladesh workshop on climate forecasting

Enhancing Climate Forecasts in Bangladesh

New seasonal forecasting services could improve livelihoods for Bangladeshi farmers.

by |June 11, 2018
Tigray, Ethiopia

Ethiopia Establishes National Framework for Climate Services

In Ethiopia, climate variability can have a big impact on food, water, and health. A system to monitor and predict climate will help to keep people safe.

by |June 7, 2018