Jeremy Hinsdale, Author at State of the Planet

Jeremy Hinsdale

Jeremy Hinsdale is a web producer and freelance journalist in New York City. His work has appeared on the websites for PBS, Newsweek, the American Museum of Natural History and other publications.

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Quiz: 2020 Science News

Through a difficult year, scientists continued to study the natural world and advance our understanding of it. As 2020 draws to a close, take a look back at some of the scientific highlights that made news.

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Quiz: The Decade in Science News

On the event horizon of a new decade, keep calm and put your lab coat on, and test your knowledge of some of the developments that made headlines in the 2010s.

Ben Orlove on the Anthropology of Climate Change and Glacier Retreat

Scientist Ben Orlove discusses why it’s important to bring an anthropological dimension to the science of climate change and glacial retreat.

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Things You Can Do to Make A Difference (And Have Fun) on Earth Day

Looking for ideas about how to get out, get involved and make a difference this Earth Day? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

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Data Visualization: World Happiness Trends

Could the number of women in a nation’s government have an impact on its happiness? Can air quality effect the mood of a population? Do trains make people happier? Explore World Happiness Report data and trends that might also contribute to a country’s overall well-being.

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A DSNY spreader is loaded with salt at one of the city's 42 salt sheds.

Cutting the Salt in Winter Road Maintenance

As the capital and environmental costs of road salt continue to mount, has the time come to ask whether we’re putting too much of it on our streets?

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Road Salt Runoff Stains

How Road Salt Harms the Environment

Recent research indicates that salt is accumulating in the environment and poses an emerging threat both to ecosystems and human health.

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E-scooter riders take to the streets of Portland, Oregon. Photo by Sarah Petersen

Coming Soon To A City Near You: E-Scooters

Shared, dockless electric scooters have taken to the streets of cities across the U.S. Is New York City ground zero for the next e-scooter invasion?

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Vanishing Glaciers: The Future of Water in Peru’s High Andes

In the high Andes of Peru, glacial retreat poses a complex set of challenges related to water supply.

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Vernagtferner glacier

The Culture and History of Glaciers in the Alps

Why did Europe’s “cursed” glaciers begin retreating in the 1850’s even though the climate record suggests they should have advanced for another 50 years?

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