Lily Roberts, Author at State of the Planet

Lily Roberts

Lily Roberts is an undergraduate student at the University of Exeter, UK, studying physical geography. She is pursuing a thesis in atmosphere and oceanic sciences, and hopes to continue her studies more broadly in the climate sciences. Lily has volunteered in her spare time on conservation projects around the world, most recently taking her to Indonesian Borneo.

Recent Posts

Developing Countries Fuel Momentum For Ambitious Climate Targets

A group of the least developed countries have held a climate summit to showcase their ambitious plans and hold developed nations to account.

by Lily Roberts and Nidup Gyeltshen |December 23, 2020

Subglacial Lakes in Antarctica Found to Be More Active Than Previously Thought

A new study finds that a system of lakes under Thwaites Glacier have undergone large drainage events, highlighting underestimates in the melting rate of the glacier.

by |December 18, 2020

Dust May Beat Black Carbon at Speeding Up Snowmelt in the Himalayas

Tiny dust particles at high altitudes are having a greater effect on snow-darkening than previously thought, accelerating the loss of glaciers.

by |December 3, 2020

Glaciers in Canada Found To Be Thicker Than Previously Suggested

A new study that collected ice thickness data for a number of glaciers concluded they are 38% thicker than previous estimates, with implications for water availability.

by |November 19, 2020

Irrigation in High Mountain Asia is Creating Unexpected Glacier Growth

Irrigated agricultural plains in regions of High Mountain Asia are driving increased snowfall accumulation, protecting glaciers from temperature rises.

by |October 15, 2020

Damage Uncovered on Antarctic Glaciers Reveals Worrying Signs for Sea Level Rise

A new study has revealed extensive new damage to two major Antarctic glaciers that creates the conditions needed for ice shelf collapse.

by |October 2, 2020

Melting Glacier Floods Arctic Coal Mine, Highlighting Climate Change Paradox

Coal mining in Svalbard has long been criticized for the contradictions of allowing the fossil fuel industry to operate in a place where climate changes are felt more harshly than anywhere else on Earth.

by |September 18, 2020

Scientists Piece Together Nearly Two Decades of Global Glacier Ice Loss

Scientists filled an 11-month gap in satellite data, creating a continuous 18-year record that tracks glacial melt and will aid predictions about sea level rise.

by |September 3, 2020