Shahid Naeem, Author at State of the Planet

Notes from an Increasingly Lonely Planet: Humongous Killer Viruses and the New Life Form

In Nature|News (18 July 2013), where one can check out the latest happenings in science, we learned that when Jean-Michel Claverie and Chantal Aberget from Aix-Marseille University in France discovered their new species of humongous killer virus, they experienced one of the most exciting things that could ever happen to any of us – they discovered a new form of life!

by |August 9, 2013

We Can’t Separate Climate and Biodiversity

In 1940, after Copenhagen was occupied by Nazi Germany, many of its Jews were saved when Danes and Swedes cooperated to spirit them at night across the narrow strait from the Danish town of Helsingør to the Swedish town of Helsinborg. On the Danish side of the strait, there is now a monument, lit at night, so that the Swedes can see this symbol of eternal thanks. I learned this bit of history one […]

by |December 4, 2009