Urania Mylonas, Author at State of the Planet

Urania is the Stewardship Manager/Writer for the Funding Initiatives team of the Earth Institute. She has worked in fundraising communications and stewardship for Columbia University and the New York Philharmonic. She graduated from Columbia's School of Journalism and worked for Book of the Month Club, the Hearst Corporation, Rolling Stone magazine, Bridge News and the Wall Street Source.

Recent Posts

Professor Jeffrey Sachs Extends Term as Director of the Earth Institute

The Earth Institute, Columbia University announced that Professor Jeffrey Sachs has agreed to extend his term as its director. Since his tenure began in 2002, Sachs has led the Earth Institute to become a leading scientific authority on sustainable development while simultaneously expanding its reach worldwide. Through his guidance, the Earth Institute and its scientists and researchers have consistently been at the forefront of efforts to help solve some the greatest challenges our world faces today in climate change, global poverty, energy, health, food and water security, natural hazards and economic crises.

by |April 28, 2011

Playing for the Planet

Scott Barrett, the Lenfest-Earth Institute Professor of Natural Resource Economics and an expert in complex international negotiations, teaches game theory in his Global Collective Action class. Using a simple card game, Barrett helps his students understand the consequences of decision making in complex negotiations, like those involved in climate treaties, where each country’s actions depend on the actions of others.

by |December 10, 2010

An African Green Revolution: Can the Continent Become Agriculturally Self-Sufficient?

What will it take for Africa to feed itself? Can the continent double its current crop yields and provide food not only for itself, but for export to outside markets? How can African farmers become as productive as their global peers? These and other questions were presented on October 11 by former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who joined Jeff Sachs on Columbia’s campus to discuss Africa’s agricultural future.

by |October 26, 2010

The Earth Institute Raises $3.8 Million to Support the Millennium Cities Initiative

The Earth Institute successfully completed a $1.9 million landmark challenge grant, awarded by the Tides Foundation, to benefit the Millennium Cities Initiative (MCI). Because of the Tides challenge and our generous donors, a total of $3.8 million has been raised to support the project’s work to help targeted mid-sized cities across sub-Saharan Africa promote sustainable development and achieve the Millennium Development Goals, eight internationally-endorsed benchmarks designed to end extreme poverty.

by |September 29, 2010

Model District Health Project Aims to Reach 600 Million in India

The country’s first model district health project has been launched in the Morigaon district of Assam.

by |September 29, 2010

Columbia Global Center | South Asia Opens its Doors in Mumbai

On September 13, 2010 the Columbia Global Center | South Asia, a newly launched Columbia Global Center, officially inaugurated offices in Mumbai. Dr. Nirupam Bajpai, the Center’s Director and a Senior Development Advisor at the Earth Institute, was joined by Mrs. Rajashree Birla, Chairperson of the Aditya Birla Foundation, Paul Folmsbee, US Consul General in Mumbai, prominent Aditya Birla group officials, Columbia University alumni, and the Model Districts health team. Jeffrey D. Sachs, Director of Columbia’s Earth Institute, joined via web camera from New York. The inauguration included a ribbon cutting, a traditional Indian Puja ceremony, and welcoming remarks from Dr. Bajpai, Mrs. Birla, Mr. Folmsbee, and Dr. Sachs.

by |September 24, 2010

Reaching the Millennium Development Goals in the Millennium Villages and Beyond

There are just five years left until the deadline to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, eight ambitious objectives to tackle extreme poverty and its many dimensions and reach a more equitable and sustainable world by 2015. World leaders are gathering this month at the United Nations Summit on the Millennium Development Goals to see that this crucial pledge will be met.

Through efforts like the Millennium Villages project, the Earth Institute, Columbia University, is committed to helping the world achieve the MDGs. Our generous donors are allowing us to come closer to this objective–promoting the achievement of the MDGs in the Millennium Villages and beyond.

by |September 15, 2010

Addressing South Asia’s Urgent Global Issues Through Sustainable Development

As the world’s leading academic center addressing the practical challenges of sustainable development, the Earth Institute is building a formal presence in South Asia through the Columbia Global Center/South Asia.  The center, established by Columbia University, joins centers already in place in Europe, the Middle-East, and East Asia. Under the leadership of Founding Director Dr…. read more

by |May 27, 2010

Communities Participate to Lower Arsenic Exposure More Effectively in Bangladesh

There are more than 30 million people in Bangladesh at risk from arsenic contaminated water, which can cause health problems including thickening and hardening of the hands and feet, skin cancer, bladder cancer, lung cancer, vascular disease leading to gangrene, and diabetes. Columbia University scientists from the Mailman School of Public Health and Lamont-Doherty Earth… read more

by |May 25, 2010

A Distinguished Career: Wally Broecker

For more than half a century, Wally Broecker’s pioneering climate research and his legendary reputation as a revered mentor to generations of young scientists have been a magnet attracting exceptional students and post-docs to Columbia’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. On April 16th, the Columbia community celebrated the 50 years Broecker has spent teaching in the University’s… read more

by |May 25, 2010