Environmental Sustainability in the Middle East Archives - State of the Planet

Landscape Conversion and its Impacts on Biodiversity Conservation in the Middle East

Conservation initiatives in the region can only be successful when they transcend boundaries, much the same way nature itself transcends boundaries.

by |January 3, 2020

A Dwindling, Dying Dead Sea: A Call for Restorative Action

Saving the Dead Sea will require political will, changes in industry best practices, and coordinated restoration efforts in a region that is notorious for its lack of cooperation.

by |August 30, 2019

Meet the Students Studying Environmental Issues in the Middle East in 2019

This July, Columbia University and Tel Aviv University will send graduate students to the Middle East to learn about the environmental challenges facing communities in Jordan and Israel.

by |July 9, 2019

Wildfires in Israel and Palestine – A Fuel for Conflict or an Opportunity for Building Trust?

In Israel and Palestine, wildfires offer an exemplary case study of the potential of environment management as a lever for cooperation, or as a driver of conflict among communities sharing common resources.

by |August 15, 2018

Natural Parks as a Form of Oppression?

Natural parks are good for people and the environment. However, what if they came at a cost such as taking someone’s land without permission? Would it be worth it?

by |September 11, 2017

The Power of the Common Person: Can They Do What Governments Can’t?

Traveling to Jordan and Israel, I expected to eat great food, see great sites, and learn more about one of the most significant conflicts in the world. But I did not expect to learn about the power that individuals can have in resolving a crisis.

by |August 31, 2017

Women-Led Non-Profit is Leading the Way for Arab-Israeli Coexistence

The Arab and Jewish women of Sindyanna of Galilee work together to grow and sell olive oil. Their cooperation provides economic opportunities and underlines the mutual interests of both groups.

by |August 30, 2017
border wall

A Look at the Israeli West Bank Barrier Wall

The small Arab community of Baqa al-Gharbiyye has been deeply impacted by the construction of the wall.

by |August 30, 2017
Qasr Al Yehud Jordan River Baptismal Site

Nature Has No Boundaries

Rivers, deserts, and species don’t stop at borders or fences. They are not participating in the conflict in the Middle East, but they are affected by it.

by |August 30, 2017

Environmental Peace-Building in the Middle East

The next part of our tour provided an excellent example of the challenges people working toward environmental peace-building in Israel, Jordan and Palestine face: a site that we were unable to visit.

by |June 24, 2016