ACToday Archives - State of the Planet

A shepherd and his herd in Senegal

Combining Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge Enhances Fire Management in the Sahel

A less predictable climate is undermining traditional decision-making around controlled burns in the Sahel. Columbia’s ACToday project is forging connections to enhance these communities’ resilience to the changing climate.

by Natalie Duncan |March 19, 2021
young man walks behind cattle plowing field

Video: Adapting Agriculture to Climate Today, for Tomorrow

The project aims to combat hunger by increasing climate knowledge in six countries that are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change and fluctuations.

by |March 3, 2021
Gloriose Nsengiyumva headshot

Q&A With Gloriose Nsengiyumva, Who Puts Climate Adaptation Into Action

Seasonal climate forecasts can help farmers stave off poverty and hunger. Nsengiyumva helps farmers in Africa interpret those forecasts.

by Jacqueline Turner |February 11, 2021
coffee farmer on a farm in vietnam

Helping Vietnam’s Coffee Sector Become More Climate Resilient

A new platform aims to use digital technology to help farmers lower costs, boost yields and increase profits.

by Joseph Conway |November 13, 2020
people in an office

Finding Ways for Climate Services to Improve Nutrition in Vietnam

Pranav Singh interned with the ACToday project to understand where climate services—such as forecasts, early-warning systems, and climate predictions—could be used to improve nutrition and eradicate hunger.

by Joseph Conway |September 25, 2020

New System Tracks and Forecasts Outbreak Risk of Dengue and Zika

The system identifies areas where environmental conditions might enhance transmission of dengue, Zika, chikungunya and other diseases carried by Aedes mosquitoes. It could find at-risk areas a month in advance.

by |August 4, 2020
Two field laborers pour harvested rice grains into a specially labeled packet

Climate Risk Insurance for Colombia’s Smallholder Rice Farmers

Insurance payouts based on weather conditions are helping to keep premiums low and enabling millions of farmers access to coverage previously unavailable to them.

by |June 4, 2020

ACToday Experts Take Part in Panel on Climate and Food Security

Experts discussed how climate and the coronavirus will affect food supply chains, and how university-led projects such as ACToday can help take on major challenges like these.

by |May 18, 2020
fruit in a market in kenya

COVID-19 Disruptions: Understanding Food Security Implications

The pandemic will test our food and trade systems in ways never experienced before. Food security research Michael Puma helps unravel the complex interplay of risks.

by |April 22, 2020
fields and wind turbines in ethiopia

ACToday Columbia World Project Enabling Insurance to Reach a Million Farmers in Ethiopia

Affordable insurance against droughts and other climate risks will help to improve food security and protect smallholder farmers.

by |April 7, 2020