Agriculture and Food Security Center Archives - State of the Planet

Linking Climate Forecasts, Soil Testing for Smarter Farming

A new project combines cutting edge climate science and mobile soil labs for African farmers and service providers.

by |July 12, 2016

How to Feed Everyone—and Protect the Environment

More than 500 leaders in agricultural research and organizations from 67 countries came together for the 2nd International Conference on Global Food Security to discuss how we can achieve global food security while reconciling demands on the environment.

by |November 17, 2015

Has the Green Revolution Really Succeeded?

Over the past 50 years, human population has more than doubled, but cereal-crop production has grown even faster. Unfortunately, newer high-yield crops are less nutritious.

Don’t Worry About Doomsday, Botanists Have a Plan

A new initiative of the Smithsonian Institution is building a frozen library cataloging snippets of plant tissue from every species on the planet.

by |July 10, 2015

Scientists’ Conference to Address Global Food Security

Columbia University is teaming up with Cornell University to co-host the second International Global Food Security Conference to bring together 500-plus scientists to investigate the behavioral, biophysical, economic, institutional, political, social and technological drivers of current and future global food security.

by |April 14, 2015

Matching Funds Boost Contributions through Dec. 31

The Earth Institute will benefit this holiday season from a matching gift from dedicated donor Betsee Parker, who will match your contributions dollar for dollar up to $300,000 this holiday season.

by |December 3, 2014
Africa, agriculture

Will Africa Finally Achieve a Green Revolution?

Earth Institute agricultural scientist Pedro A. Sanchez argues in a new essay that new developments in both science and politics give him hope that sub-Saharan Africa will be able to feed itself by 2050, even with a projected population by then of about 2 billion people.

by |November 6, 2014

Revitalizing Africa’s Soils

To feed our burgeoning global population, the world has to at least double crop yields by 2050, by improving seeds of high yielding crops and cultivating healthy fertile soils. A new on-the-spot soil testing kit will help meet this challenge.

by |September 24, 2014

Tanzania Launches Plan to Fight Climate Impacts on Agriculture

Vital Signs is a key part of Tanzania’s new Agriculture Climate Resilience Plan, which presents a strategy for sustainable agricultural development in the face of shifting rainfall patterns and other effects of a changing climate.

by |September 19, 2014

Join the Earth Institute for Climate Week NYC

From heads of state to ordinary citizens, thousands of people will gather for more than 100 events during Climate Week NYC. The Earth Institute and its centers will be engaged in several events; read on to find out how you can participate.

by |September 15, 2014