Arctic Archives - Page 2 of 8 - State of the Planet

Why Cry for the Cryosphere?

A new book paints a daunting and detailed picture of earth’s natural ice under threat, and explains why what happens in the Arctic doesn’t stay in the Arctic.

by |June 11, 2019

It’s Raining on the Greenland Ice. In the Winter.

Rainy weather is becoming increasingly common over parts of the Greenland ice sheet, triggering sudden melting events that are eating at the ice and priming the surface for more widespread future melting, says a new study.

by |March 7, 2019

Assessing the Impact of Declining Arctic Sea Ice on Extreme Weather

Yutian Wu received funding from the Center for Climate and Life to investigate whether the loss of Arctic sea ice promotes severe weather over North America.

by |December 10, 2018

The Melting of the Greenland Ice, Seen Up Very Close

A small team of scientists ventures out onto the Greenland ice sheet to study the forces large and small that are accelerating the melting of the world’s second-largest ice mass.

by |October 1, 2018

Photo Essay: Melting Greenland, Up Close

As climate warms, the Greenland ice sheet is melting, helping to fuel global sea-level rise. Follow a small team of scientists as they hike onto the sheet to investigate the forces large and small that are demolishing the ice.

by |October 1, 2018

The Story of Lake Gus

For this early part of the season the goal is to tease apart a record of historic precipitation and temperature for this region using isotopes from leaf waxes collected in the lake sediments.

by |July 25, 2018

Scientists Are Superheroes With Super Powers

Superheroes are identified by their unique powers and skills, allowing them to see and act in ways that inspire awe in the rest of us. Do scientists have superhero powers?

by |July 18, 2018

An Icy Irony in Greenland

We awoke to messages that a towering iceberg is threatening the local waterfront settlement of Innaarsuit. There is perhaps a bit of irony in the fact that a massive looming block of ice is a potential threat to the start of our field season.

by |July 13, 2018

Exploring Greenland With Wings, Boats and Drones

Snow on Ice is launching into the field with two teams of scientists this summer. The first group, an ‘advance team’ of six women, will focus on lakes where meltwater has collected on the southwestern flank of Greenland bedrock.

by |July 12, 2018

Researchers Develop an Artificial Intelligence to Analyze Birdsong in a Warming Arctic

A new algorithm quickly sifts through hours of field recordings to learn how climate change influences bird migration. The A.I. could help track other wildlife as well.

by |June 20, 2018