Brazil Archives - State of the Planet

Cleaning Up New York City’s Waters and Beyond: Q&A with Kartik Chandran

Kartik Chandran, an environmental engineer at Columbia, will discuss some of his urban wastewater treatment projects at a panel discussion Friday following the screening of a new film about Rio de Janeiro’s Guanabara Bay.

by |June 7, 2017

Taking the Classroom into the Field with SEE-U

“It was so much more impactful to see and experience in-person what I had learned about in the classroom. The graphs and formulas we used were more meaningful when we had collected the data ourselves. And it was extremely interesting to learn about the issues facing the specific area that we were living in.”

by |February 12, 2016

Study Ecology Abroad: Jordan and Brazil SEE-U

Now is the time to apply by the next rolling admissions deadline for the Earth Institute Center for Environmental Sustainability’s Summer Ecosystem Experiences for Undergraduates study abroad program.

by |January 6, 2016

Making Progress on Deforestation

In 2005, Brazil was losing more forest each year than any other country. Today, Brazil has reduced deforestation in the Amazon by 70 percent. Seventeen countries across four continents have also shown progress in reducing tropical deforestation. But there is still a long way to go.

by |June 23, 2014
Amazon, Rosario's farm, Brazil

Rosario’s Farm: Rising Tides, Shrimp from the Forest

Rosario Costa-Cabral and her brothers harvest hundreds of fruits, oils and wood products from the stream-laced forest of the Amazon River delta. But the climate here is changing: Tides rise higher, and seasonal floods are growing worse.

by |January 23, 2013

Deeper than Water — New Video and Infographics from the Columbia Water Center

As population grows and demand for food and products increase, so does our demand for water. But in the face of growing pressure on our water resources from depletion, pollution and climate change, we need to make more of what we have.

by |March 22, 2012

Study Ecosystems Abroad in Brazil This Summer

CERC is now accepting applications for the Summer Ecosystem Experiences for Undergraduates (SEE-U) field site program at Brazil. This five-week-long, 6-credit program runs from May 26 to June 30, 2012. No pre-requisite coursework is necessary and students of all majors can apply.

by |March 14, 2012

Summer 2012 SEE-U Study Abroad Experience

Summer 2012 applications for the Student Ecosystem Experiences for Undergraduate program are now being accepted. Undergraduate students of all majors can apply for the opportunity to conduct field work and study unique ecosystems abroad.

by |March 5, 2012
A rice field at a government-sponsored agricultural cooperative in Morada Nova, Brazil

Achieving Water Sustainability in Ceará, Brazil

Achieving sustainable water sustainability in Brazil’s semi-arid northeast will involve more than just building pipes, pumps and water towers: it will require significant changes in the ways water is monitored, distributed and used throughout the region.

by |November 21, 2011

Community Associations and Sustainable Development in Rural Brazil

After spending two days back in the big city of Fortaleza learning about the finer points of water management in the state of Ceará, I’ve returned to the rural municipality of Milhã, ground zero for the Columbia Water Center’s project to improve water access in Brazil’s semi-arid sertão region. Our group is now just three:… read more

by |September 28, 2011