carbon footprint Archives - State of the Planet

A Guide to the Good, Low-Carbon Life

For about 10 years, environmental law professor Karl Coplan has been trying to winnow down his direct footprint of CO2 emissions. He has been successful, and has just published a book chronicling his efforts.

by |January 13, 2020

Is Organic Food Really Better for the Environment?

Recent research suggests it might not be as sustainable as we might think, but it’s complicated.

by |October 22, 2019

Climate Museum’s ‘Taking Action’ Exhibit Finds New Ways to Engage on Climate Change

The latest show has gotten thousands of people to commit to taking civic action on the climate crisis.

by |September 26, 2019

You Asked: Should We All Go Vegetarian or Vegan to Reduce Our Carbon Footprint?

Short answer: Moderation is key.

by |September 26, 2019

Pro Bono Legal Team Helps Farmers and Homeowners Fight for Renewable Energy

The Renewable Energy Legal Defense Initiative is pushing back against local laws that block progress on solar and wind projects.

by |August 22, 2019

You Asked: How Can I Find Out the Carbon Footprints of Different Foods?

We look at research from the Earth Institute and beyond to answer questions about the impacts of beef, soy, and more.

by |April 24, 2019
robin bell in front of a whiteboard

On Carbon, Geophysicist Robin Bell Walks the Walk

The world’s leading earth scientist is not allowing collective inaction to absolve her of personal responsibility.

by |March 7, 2019
carbon catalogue

Data Visualization Tool Shows Carbon Footprint of Everyday Products

The Carbon Catalogue makes it easy to explore consumer products’ carbon emissions and the various strategies companies are employing to reduce emissions.

by |February 14, 2019

Heating Buildings Leaves a Huge Carbon Footprint, But There’s a Fix For It

Researchers within the Earth Institute are working to decarbonize New York City’s heat and hot water.

by |January 15, 2019

The 35 Easiest Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

With these simple changes, you can make a difference without making much of an effort or financial investment.

by |December 27, 2018