Center for International Earth Science Information Network Archives - State of the Planet

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EI LIVE K12: RSVP for Our Upcoming May Sessions

Learn how to design your own microbe, decode Python script, and much more in these live sessions taught by Earth Institute experts.

by |April 28, 2020
Map of Urban Areas in the Low-Elevation Coastal Zone in Japan, 2015

Rising Seas Threaten Low-Lying Coastal Cities, 10% of World Population

In a new report, CIESIN researchers help to identify urban populations at risk from sea level rise. Their updated data set is meant to inform adaptation strategies.

Fall Events Provide Hope for Solving Climate Change

In a variety of talks and panels, experts gathered on campus to discuss ideas and technologies that can help us overcome the planet’s biggest environmental challenge.

by |December 7, 2018

American Geophysical Union 2018: Key Events From the Earth Institute

The American Geophysical Union fall meeting takes place Dec. 10-14 in Washington, D.C. Here is a guide to key talks and other events from Columbia’s Earth Institute.

by |December 3, 2018
shipping containers green imports index

How Green Are Your Imports? This Index Provides an Answer

Many “green” countries depend on imports from more polluting countries. A new index takes this into account and could shake up rankings on global environmental report cards.

by |February 7, 2018

Global Environment Report Card Sees Dirty Air, Failing Fisheries

Many countries are making progress on improving water sanitation and protecting marine ecosystems. But air pollution continues as a leading health problem in many nations, and fisheries are deteriorating almost everywhere.

by |January 23, 2018

Students Practice GIS and Remote-Sensing Field Work in Black Rock Forest

When it comes to learning about data collection techniques, there is no substitute for field work. In October, three Columbia classes embarked on a field trip to the Black Rock Forest in Cornwall, New York, to get some hands-on experience.

by |December 19, 2017
High-resolution settlement data

CIESIN Teams with Facebook to Develop Open, Improved Settlement Data

New high-resolution population data will help us understand better how people are distributed in many countries throughout the world—as part of Facebook’s goal to connect people everywhere to the Internet.

Connecting Space to Village in West Africa

A new project, SERVIR-West Africa, will use space-based climate, weather land cover, and other NASA satellite data to address issues such as food security and the availability of fresh water in Ghana, Burkina Faso, Senegal and Niger.

Map of flood and drought exposure in transboundary river basins

Report Assesses Risks to World’s Shared River Basins

Risks for the world’s Transboundary River Basins are projected to increase in the next 15–30 years, particularly in four hotspot regions: the Middle East, Central Asia, the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna basin, and the Orange and Limpopo basins in Southern Africa.