climate variability Archives - State of the Planet

Tigray, Ethiopia

Ethiopia Establishes National Framework for Climate Services

In Ethiopia, climate variability can have a big impact on food, water, and health. A system to monitor and predict climate will help to keep people safe.

by |June 7, 2018

Learning from a River’s History to Prepare for the Future

Researchers from eight universities, including Columbia University, are using tree ring and glacier analysis to reconstruct the climate history of the Missouri River Basin in order to give policymakers and water managers better decision-making tools to manage the river.

by |August 17, 2015

Project Aims to Strengthen Climate Resilience

The Caribbean, Asia’s Indo-Gangetic Plain and West Africa are three regions known to be extremely vulnerable to climate variability and change, particularly to droughts, extreme weather events and stresses on food production, water resources and coastal areas. A new five-year project jointly led by the International Research Institute for Climate and Society and the University of Arizona aims to strengthen climate resilience in these regions using strategies in the sectors of water resources, hazard risk management and coastal planning and management.

by |May 29, 2014

A River Runs Through It: Predicting Floods in the Midwest

Focusing on the American Midwest, Andrew Robertson analyzes the relationships between floods, weather and climate patters throughout the 20th century.

by |December 7, 2012

Welcome Back, La Niña

The components of La Niña are getting ready to tango. But will their performance break any climate records this time around?

by |September 29, 2011

Fears of a Double Dip…La Niña

You’d be forgiven for thinking its 2008 and not just because of the economic uncertainty. Is there a dreaded double dip La Niña in store, too?

by |August 24, 2011

The Role of Drought in the Horn of Africa Famine

Let’s get this out of the way. The current famine in the Horn of Africa isn’t caused by drought. Rather, a complex mix of societal and political factors created a dangerous situation. The worst drought in 60 years (pdf) is what pushed that situation over the edge into a humanitarian crisis. However, just as these… read more

by |August 1, 2011

Climate Forecasting: Oceans, Droughts, Climate Change and Other Tools of the Trade

At the International Research Institute for Climate and Society’s monthly climate briefing, talk often focuses on the role that El Niño or La Niña play in driving global climate. With the collapse of La Niña last month, though, IRI’s forecasters now have to rely on different tools to offer forecasts for the coming year. That’s… read more

by |June 29, 2011

R.I.P. La Niña

La Niña, we hardly knew ye. This year’s iteration of the climate phenomenon nearly set records for strength and riled up world weather for nine months. Now it’s dead. What’s next?

by |May 24, 2011

La Niña Still Hanging On

IRI’s latest climate briefing shows a weak La Niña still hanging around. The big question is what will happen next?

by |April 26, 2011