coastal flooding Archives - State of the Planet

10 Climate Change Impacts That Will Affect Us All

And how to protect yourself from them. 

by |December 27, 2019

The Tribe that Brought a Damaged Shoreline Back to Life

How the Shinnecock Indian Nation Tribe in Long Island, NY, transformed a desolate and barren stretch of shoreline to protect their land from erosion and sea-level rise

by |September 18, 2019
sea wall

When Is a Sea Wall a Good Idea?

Scientists at Columbia’s Earth Institute are using simulations to test how well different methods protect coastal areas from hurricanes and sea level rise.

by |September 13, 2018

What We Know (and Don’t Know) About Sea Level Rise

Polar scientists Marco Tedesco and Robin Bell provide a primer on how climate change will impact our coastlines.

by |April 24, 2018

Analyzing Winter Storm Risk and Resilience in a Changing Climate

A new study analyzing storm intensity and impacts in the New York metro area aims to inform how communities can better prepare for winter storms and enhance resiliency as the effects of climate change exacerbate hazards.

by |August 8, 2017

Disaster Experts: A Journalist’s Guide

An all-purpose guide for journalists covering disasters, natural and manmade.

by |February 14, 2017
Hurricane Sandy

Was Hurricane Sandy the 100-Year Event?

Recent research suggests that Sandy may have been much more likely than previously believed.

by |May 20, 2015

Report Forecasts Worsening Climate Hazards for Region

A new report gives a worrisome picture of climate-related problems the New York region will likely face this century. Temperatures are projected to rise, extreme precipitation and heat waves will be more frequent, and sea level could rise as much as 6 feet.

by |February 17, 2015
Kennedy Space Center. Photo: NASA

Study: NASA Sites Vulnerable to Climate Change

NASA has been at the forefront of climate science, launching satellites that take the pulse of Earth’s land, oceans and atmospheric systems. But the agency is increasingly vulnerable itself to the effects of a changing climate.

by |November 3, 2014