Columbia Engineering Archives - State of the Planet

Texas Guardsmen assist a motorist stuck on snow and ice during extreme winter weather conditions in Abilene, Texas

How Unprecedented Was the February 2021 Texas Cold Snap?

A look at historical trends shows that extreme cold spells are relatively common during Texas winters. Maybe it’s time to start designing for it.

by James Doss-Gollin, David J Farnham, Upmanu Lall, Vijay Modi |March 16, 2021
brown hills and sparse trees and shrubs

Study Pinpoints Process That Eases Drying in Drylands

Climate change is making drylands drier, but scientists have identified a natural process that helps to ease the loss of surface water in arid areas.

by |January 5, 2021

Some Amazon Regions May Resist Climate-Driven Drying Better Than Thought

New research suggests that trees may handle predicted drier conditions better than current models suggest.

by |November 20, 2020

New Data Suggest COVID-19 Is Shifting the Burden of Energy Costs to Households

Apartment-level electricity use has increased under New York’s stay-at-home order. It could make matters worse for households already struggling economically.

by Christoph J. Meinrenken, Vijay Modi, Kathleen R. McKeown and Patricia J. Culligan |April 21, 2020
Joaquin Phoenix speaking at event

A Greener Red Carpet

In your Oscar speech, don’t just preach sustainability — wear it.

by Carla Cantor |February 7, 2020

Heating Buildings Leaves a Huge Carbon Footprint, But There’s a Fix For It

Researchers within the Earth Institute are working to decarbonize New York City’s heat and hot water.

by |January 15, 2019

Fall Events Provide Hope for Solving Climate Change

In a variety of talks and panels, experts gathered on campus to discuss ideas and technologies that can help us overcome the planet’s biggest environmental challenge.

by |December 7, 2018
sea wall

When Is a Sea Wall a Good Idea?

Scientists at Columbia’s Earth Institute are using simulations to test how well different methods protect coastal areas from hurricanes and sea level rise.

by |September 13, 2018
team at a table with mini windmills on it

Making Progress in Sustainability May Require a Culture Shift In Science and Academia

A new commentary suggests innovative ideas to promote collaboration and interdisciplinary teamwork, which are essential to sustainability breakthroughs.

by |July 19, 2018

Machine Learning May Be a Game-Changer for Climate Prediction

A new study uses machine learning to better represent clouds in climate models, which helps to predict the climate’s response to rising levels of greenhouse gases.

by |June 21, 2018