conservation Archives - State of the Planet

To Save Giant Sequoia Trees, Maybe It’s Time to Plant Backups

When a species spreads too slowly to escape climate dangers, should humans assist them in migrating into nearby territories?

by Kevin Webb |March 15, 2021
beloved beasts book cover

Michelle Nijhuis Wants to Bring Biodiversity Loss to Your Doorstep

Her new book charts the ways conservation is becoming a movement for the protection of all species — foreign and domestic, ugly and cuddly, plant and yes, even human.

by Aldo Defilippi |March 10, 2021
a bright blue pool of water forming on a piece of ice. a person skiis across the ice mass, very small in comparison

New Book Highlights the Beauty of Glaciers

Canadian author Lynn Martel recently released a book filled with stories about the wonder of glaciers and the people who interact with them.

by |December 10, 2020

National Parks in Argentina: Scenery or Sovereignty?

A new study traces the political and economic forces that led to the creation and development of Los Glaciares National Park in Patagonia.

by |October 23, 2020

How Religion Influences Our Relationship With the Environment

A new study looks at the links between religion and attitudes toward the environment.

by Vegard Skirbekk, Alexander de Sherbinin and Susana Adamo |October 15, 2020
colorful coral reef with fish

We Must Do Better at Managing the Wilderness that Remains

Humanity is failing at preserving biodiversity. But a book from 2006 offers inspiration and instructions on how to preserve what’s left of it.

by Marco Tedesco |September 21, 2020
fin whale

Where the Great Whales Seek Sanctuary

A student’s whale encounter inspires marvel, regret at our bloody history with these endangered giants, and the desire to do better at protecting them.

by Cayte Bosler |September 2, 2020
Two hikers on a rocky and grassy mound in front of a glacier and mountains in the background.

What Social Media Can Teach Us About Human-Environment Relationships

Researchers used Instagram hashtags to analyze how people feel about their environments, furthering the study of cultural ecosystem services.

by |August 25, 2020
wall of ice with water flowing through

Summer Stars Lecture Series Begins With a Message of Hope

In a talk last week, celebrated conservationist and photographer Cristina Mittermeier shared her quest to save the sea.

by |August 3, 2020

Landscape Conversion and its Impacts on Biodiversity Conservation in the Middle East

Conservation initiatives in the region can only be successful when they transcend boundaries, much the same way nature itself transcends boundaries.

by |January 3, 2020