disturbance ecology Archives - State of the Planet

How Ice Scouring in the Antarctic Disrupts Ecosystems

A recent study sheds light on how different types of species are affected by calving icebergs that tear apart the seafloor.

by |August 3, 2020

Climate Change and the Re-Greening of Puerto Rico

Ecologist Maria Uriarte investigates the effects of Hurricane Maria on the forests of Puerto Rico, and how long-term climate change may affect them.

by |March 22, 2018

Fire on the Mountain, Fire in the ‘Burbs

I walked out of the house Thursday morning when my nose detected it – a forest fire! Having worked for two years in the piney woods of southwest Georgia, I had become accustomed to and, actually, come to love forest fires. That classic line kept coming into my mind, “the scent of fire in the morning reminds me of healthy forests.”

by |November 20, 2013