eco Archives - State of the Planet

Keeping our Freshwater Fresh: Ecosystem Management Tools

We have been harming our hard-earned water resources; is it too late to clean up our act? With the help of the nine principles of ecology we can work towards effectively and sustainably managing these ecosystems, which will help us preserve the quality of New York’s freshwater resources and maintain our high quality drinking water.

by |February 14, 2014

Notes from an Increasingly Lonely Planet: Humongous Killer Viruses and the New Life Form

In Nature|News (18 July 2013), where one can check out the latest happenings in science, we learned that when Jean-Michel Claverie and Chantal Aberget from Aix-Marseille University in France discovered their new species of humongous killer virus, they experienced one of the most exciting things that could ever happen to any of us – they discovered a new form of life!

by |August 9, 2013

Scientists Discover New Species of Monkey

In a gigantic and remote rainforest of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a team of scientists have discovered a new species of Old World monkey known as the “Lesula.”

by |September 21, 2012

The Greening of Business

Please join CERC in attending The Greening of Business: Why It’s Not Optional and How Companies Profit From It, presented by The Earth Institute and the School of International and Public Affairs Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science and Policy.

by |March 20, 2012

Study Rainforest Ecology in Puerto Rico with SEE-U

The SEE-U Puerto Rico course provides students with a total immersion experience into the ecology and dynamics of a fragile and threatened environmental system.

by |March 13, 2012

Our Newest SEE-U Field Site in Jordan

In partnership with Columbia’s Global Center in Amman, the Columbia University Middle East Research Center, undergraduate students of all majors have the unique opportunity to study ecosystems and environmental sustainability in Jordan.

by |March 9, 2012

Online Course – Sustainability and Investing

We are excited to let you know that CERC is offering a piloted version of Sustainability and Investing online as part of our Executive Education Program in Conservation and Environmental Sustainability.

by |February 8, 2012

Online Course – Environmental Markets: Business, Regulation, Sustainability

We are excited to let you know that CERC is offering a piloted version of Environmental Markets: The Nexus of Business, Regulation and Sustainability online as part of our Executive Education Program in Conservation and Environmental Sustainability.

by |February 7, 2012

Online Course – Introduction to Environmental Policy

We are excited to let you know that CERC is offering a piloted version of Introduction to Environmental Policy online as part of our Executive Education Program in Conservation and Environmental Sustainability.

by |January 13, 2012

Ecosystem Services for Conservation

Register for Ecosystem Services for Conservation and Poverty Reduction.

by |January 10, 2012