EICES Archives - State of the Planet

Out on the Farm With SEE-U NYC

This summer, the Summer Ecosystem Experiences for Undergraduates gave students an in-depth look at the food systems in and around NYC.

by |October 11, 2019

Why You Should Shop at the Farmers Market

In honor of National Farmers Market Week, a staffer who used to work at the market tells us why farmers markets are valuable community resources.

by |August 9, 2019
don melnick portrait

In Memoriam: Don Melnick

Professor Melnick’s life and work have been a force for advancing science and securing environmental sustainability around the world. He died on April 18th.

by |April 22, 2019
tractor on farm

What’s Needed for a Sustainable, Equitable and Healthy Food System?

A report integrates the environmental, health, and social impacts of agriculture into one framework to help us make informed decisions about food.

by |February 7, 2019

Paying to Protect the Environment

Ecosystems provide humankind with food, fuel and fiber; they help clean the air and water, control flooding and regulate climate. Now, a group of scientists has laid out guidelines to gauge how effective we are at setting a price on such benefits of nature.

by |March 31, 2015

Exploring Ecology and History in Bermuda

I learned about the coral reef ecology course in Bermuda offered through the Earth Institute Center for Environmental Sustainability (EICES) at Columbia University after developing an interest in marine science over the past year. My background is in newspaper journalism, but I’m now a communications professional at the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), devoted to promoting the great work of our scientists around the globe, including those in marine conservation. My supervisors and peers encouraged me to seize the opportunity to take the class since continuing education is something that’s valued at WCS.

by |July 30, 2014

Employing a Knowledge Systems Approach to Creating a Sustainable Future

Jeffrey Potent discusses his upcoming course, the importance of understanding systems, and employing a knowledge systems approach to creating a sustainable future.

by |February 21, 2014

Visit Ecosystems in Brazil, India, or Jordan This Summer

Are you curious about environmental sustainability in a global context? Want to earn course credit while traveling the world this summer? Take advantage of The Summer Ecosystem Experiences for Undergraduates program (SEE-U) offered through The Earth Institute Center for Environmental Sustainability! Through summer field courses in Brazil, India, or Jordan, you will have the unique opportunity to conduct environmental fieldwork while learning firsthand about contemporary challenges in sustainable development.

by |October 17, 2013

Certificate Student Builds Green Roofs

Eric Dalski, a student in the Earth Institute Executive Education Certificate Program in Conservation and Environmental Sustainability is building vegetative layers grown on a rooftop. Learn more about his perspectives on the Certificate Program.

by |April 15, 2013