engineering Archives - State of the Planet

nick frearson in sunglasses in icy terrain

Nick Frearson Designs Devices for Earth’s Most Extreme Environments

An engineer at Lamont-Doherty, Frearson builds instruments that help scientists collect vital data in Antarctica, the deep sea, and at the top of volcanoes.

by |October 30, 2020

Toward Resilient Cities and Landscapes

The Center for Resilient Cities and Landscapes at GSAPP is dedicated to helping communities thrive in an age of climate uncertainty. Missed the launch event? Watch it here.

by |March 30, 2018

Klaus Lackner Takes Step Toward Workable Carbon Capture Technology

Klaus Lackner’s approach to slowing global warming is to scrub carbon dioxide from the air—literally.

by |February 1, 2013
A rice field at a government-sponsored agricultural cooperative in Morada Nova, Brazil

Achieving Water Sustainability in Ceará, Brazil

Achieving sustainable water sustainability in Brazil’s semi-arid northeast will involve more than just building pipes, pumps and water towers: it will require significant changes in the ways water is monitored, distributed and used throughout the region.

by |November 21, 2011

Cities at a Turning Point

Scientists warn that many cities around the world may soon face big climate-change challenges: rising seas; shrinking water supplies; killer summer heat waves; rises in water-borne diseases as temperatures go up and sewers are swamped. No one is predicting that, say, London or Miami will simply drop beneath the waves–but these and other cities will probably have to be redesigned if… read more

by |April 23, 2009