Ethiopia Archives - State of the Planet

Gloriose Nsengiyumva headshot

Q&A With Gloriose Nsengiyumva, Who Puts Climate Adaptation Into Action

Seasonal climate forecasts can help farmers stave off poverty and hunger. Nsengiyumva helps farmers in Africa interpret those forecasts.

by Jacqueline Turner |February 11, 2021
fields and wind turbines in ethiopia

ACToday Columbia World Project Enabling Insurance to Reach a Million Farmers in Ethiopia

Affordable insurance against droughts and other climate risks will help to improve food security and protect smallholder farmers.

by |April 7, 2020
fields and wind turbines in ethiopia

Training Agents of Change: A New Approach to Reach Ethiopia’s Climate-Vulnerable Farmers

A training course marked a major step in a project that will equip farmers with climate information to manage food production in times of drought and extreme weather.

by |June 14, 2019

Global Climate Models For Public Health? Useful, But Not In The Way We Think

A new paper in PLOS Medicine argues that climate change projections are often misused in health impact studies: they are best suited for shaping public health policies, not for triggering operational actions on the ground.

by |August 15, 2018

Malaria Risk Increases in Ethiopian Highlands as Temperatures Climb

The highlands of Ethiopia are home to the majority of the country’s population, the cooler climate serving as a natural buffer against malaria transmission. New data now show that increasing temperatures over the past 35 years are eroding this buffer, allowing conditions more favorable for malaria to begin climbing into highland areas.

by |June 15, 2017
Map showing 8 soil management areas of Ethiopia.

Emerging Use Cases for Digital Soil Nutrient Maps of Ethiopia

By basing efforts to improve soil fertility directly on soil nutrient composition, the Ministry of Ethiopia will be able to identify key problems that are often overlooked, and to customize responses.

In Ethiopian Desert, a Window into Rifting of Africa

A new study in the journal Nature provides fresh insight into deep-earth processes driving apart huge sections of the earth’s crust. This rifting mostly takes place on seabeds, but can be seen in a few places on land—nowhere more visibly than in the Afar region of northern Ethiopia.

by |July 8, 2013

Poor Ethiopian Farmers Receive ‘Unprecedented’ Insurance Payout

Thanks to a groundbreaking new program that relies on advanced satellite technology, a weather index insurance payout of unprecedented scale will benefit poor African farmers.

by |December 11, 2012

Breaking the Poverty Trap in Ethiopia: Subsistence, Satellites, and Some Other Important Stuff

Two acres of cracked earth. In northern Ethiopia, it can be a trap that keeps farmers tethered to it for generations. Or it can be a springboard to a better life for this and future generations. What impedes it from showing its springier qualities? You could argue the biggest pressure on the land comes from the sky above it.

by |August 29, 2012

Making Sanitary Pads to Help Keep Girls in School

MCI is lucky enough to work with two amazing Ethiopian women from the region of Tigrai, in the north of the country where the Millennium City of Mekelle is located. Both women have gone abroad to become talented professionals and both have resolved to transform the lives of women and young girls in their native region, returning home, one permanently, in order to do so.

by |May 30, 2012