extreme weather Archives - State of the Planet

Why Climate Change is an Environmental Justice Issue

Climate change is a threat to everyone, but some groups—socially and economically disadvantaged ones—face the greatest risks.

by |September 22, 2020

Future Hurricanes: Fast Like Ike or Slow Like Harvey?

Climate change will intensify winds that steer hurricanes north over Texas in the late 21st century, increasing the odds for fast-moving storms like 2008’s Ike, compared with slow-movers like 2017’s Harvey, says new research.

by |July 6, 2020

COVID-19 Highlights the Need to Plan for Joint Disasters

Summertime brings hurricane season, heat waves, wildfires, and flooding. Is the U.S. prepared to deal with extreme weather at the same time as a pandemic?

by |May 22, 2020
Buildings surrounded by water flowing out of North Carolina's Cape Fear River in the aftermath of Hurricane Florence. (Photo: Staff Sgt. Mary Junell/U.S. Army)

Waterfront Development Added Billions to Property Values Exposed to Hurricane Florence

Rapid development in flood-prone zones during recent decades helped boost the amount of property exposed to the 2018 hurricane substantially, a new study says.

by |April 21, 2020

10 Climate Change Impacts That Will Affect Us All

And how to protect yourself from them. 

by |December 27, 2019

Damaging Rains From Hurricanes Can Be More Intense After Winds Subside

According to new research, the rains that come once the storm has weakened may actually be more intense than when the storm is at its strongest.

by |December 3, 2019
adam sobel speaking

Adam Sobel Testifies on Extreme Weather and Climate Change: Uncertainty is Not Our Friend

In a hearing of the House Science Committee, the meteorologist weighed in on heatwaves and hurricanes, and underscored the need for action.

by |September 26, 2019
chart of tidal flood days

Climatologist Testifies to Senate Subcommittee Regarding Costs of Extreme Weather

Lamont’s Radley Horton explains that enhanced forecasts and better communication can reduce climate risks and create new economic opportunities.

by |May 16, 2019

Scientists See Fingerprint of Warming Climate on Droughts Going Back to 1900

In an unusual new study, scientists say they have detected a growing fingerprint of human-driven global warming on global drought conditions starting as far back as 1900.

by |May 1, 2019

Found: The Mechanism for Arctic Cold Air Outbreaks into Eurasia

New developments in climate research led by atmospheric scientist Yutian Wu are adding to our understanding of the “polar vortex” and other extreme events.

by |February 28, 2019