food security Archives - State of the Planet


Sustainable Development Students Tackle Four Real-World Challenges in Fall 2020 Workshop

Students provided guidance and practical recommendations for clients on a variety of sustainability issues.

by |March 12, 2021

Export Curbs by Just a Few Nations Could Make Global Food Prices Skyrocket

A recent study shows that trade restrictions and stockpiling of supplies by just a few key countries during times of crisis could create global food price spikes and severe local and regional food shortages.

by |March 3, 2021
Elisabeth Ilboudo Nébié sitting on concrete wall

Lisa Ilboudo Nébié: Studying Food Security, Environmental Changes and Migration in West Africa

She studies how environmental changes impact communities around the world, and how communities adapt.

by |February 11, 2021
pineapple farmer in a field

Future of Food: Exploring Challenges to Global Food Systems

The effectiveness of global food system is undermined by two key challenges: waste and nutrition.

by Mahak Agrawal |January 15, 2021
tractor in a field

How the Effects of COVID-19 Could Cause Food Insecurity Until 2050

A panel discussion at the meeting of the American Geophysical Union discussed how the pandemic and climate impacts are combining to disrupt the world food supply.

by |December 18, 2020
illustrations of three themes

Virtual Webshop Focuses on Food Systems, Shocks, and Actions

Between October 12 and 16, more than 1,000 people gathered online to discuss the challenges and opportunities for making our food system more resilient.

by Maria Dombrov |December 15, 2020
people in an office

Finding Ways for Climate Services to Improve Nutrition in Vietnam

Pranav Singh interned with the ACToday project to understand where climate services—such as forecasts, early-warning systems, and climate predictions—could be used to improve nutrition and eradicate hunger.

by Joseph Conway |September 25, 2020

ACToday Experts Take Part in Panel on Climate and Food Security

Experts discussed how climate and the coronavirus will affect food supply chains, and how university-led projects such as ACToday can help take on major challenges like these.

by |May 18, 2020
fruit in a market in kenya

COVID-19 Disruptions: Understanding Food Security Implications

The pandemic will test our food and trade systems in ways never experienced before. Food security research Michael Puma helps unravel the complex interplay of risks.

by |April 22, 2020
fields and wind turbines in ethiopia

ACToday Columbia World Project Enabling Insurance to Reach a Million Farmers in Ethiopia

Affordable insurance against droughts and other climate risks will help to improve food security and protect smallholder farmers.

by |April 7, 2020