freshwater Archives - State of the Planet

Road Salt Runoff Stains

How Road Salt Harms the Environment

Recent research indicates that salt is accumulating in the environment and poses an emerging threat both to ecosystems and human health.

by |December 11, 2018

Researchers Map High Levels of Drugs in the Hudson River

In a new study, researchers have mapped out a large variety of discarded pharmaceuticals dissolved throughout the Hudson River. They say that in some places, levels may be high enough to potentially affect aquatic life.

by |February 19, 2018

Keeping our Freshwater Fresh: Ecosystem Management Tools

We have been harming our hard-earned water resources; is it too late to clean up our act? With the help of the nine principles of ecology we can work towards effectively and sustainably managing these ecosystems, which will help us preserve the quality of New York’s freshwater resources and maintain our high quality drinking water.

by |February 14, 2014

Have We Crossed the 9 Planetary Boundaries?

“The world needs to awaken itself to the looming catastrophe of global warming,” said Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute, at a recent meeting in Muscat. “We must provide a safe operating space where vested interest and lobby-driven policies will not see the world marching into disaster.”

by |August 5, 2011