Ghana Archives - State of the Planet

line of buses and vans

Why Fines and Jail Time Won’t Change the Behavior of Ghana’s Minibus Drivers

Research shows that a range of structural factors, including exploitative labor relations and police corruption, compel and solicit dangerous driving behavior.

by Festival Godwin Boateng  |March 17, 2021
oil palm fruit

From Laughter to Linear Regressions

What was obvious to a Malaysian studying in Singapore was slightly less clear to a California-born New Yorker, but as my knowledge on the subject grew, I quickly understood my colleague’s enthusiasm for studying oil palm.

by |August 5, 2013

A Sustainable Strategy to Deal with Urban Poverty

When architect Fernando Arias first arrived in Kumasi, Ghana last year, he saw unpaved roads, trash burning, garbage everywhere, and shoeless children running all around. He knew he needed to act on their behalf.

by |May 3, 2013

Architecture and Urban Design Students Present Innovative Upgrading Plans for a Millennium City

Graduate students in architecture and urban design recently presented their findings and design work issuing out of a collaboration between the Urban Design Lab (UDL) and MCI in the Millennium City of Kumasi, Ghana. At the city’s invitation, and with MCI’s facilitation, the UDL came to Kumasi in early February, to devise solutions to revitalize the severely degraded and impoverished areas of Akrom, Adukrom and Sewabah and to design a comprehensive Women’s and Girls’ Center for the vibrant downtown commercial neighborhood of Bantama.

by |May 29, 2012

A Lasting Impression: Kumasi Stakeholders Truly Committed to Bettering their City

My lasting impression of Kumasi, Ghana, is one of incredible warmth; traveling there with the MCI team for the Kumasi Stakeholder Workshop, which was held October 11-13, I was happy to discover that the much talked-about “Ghanaian friendliness” was a generalization that proved to be true. I was also inspired by the number of Kumasi residents I met who face whatever obstacles they encounter – whether minor inconveniences or major developmental challenges – with grace and a true can-do attitude.

by |December 5, 2011

Earth Institute Receives $1 Million From MacArthur Foundation for Sexual and Reproductive Health Initiative

NEW YORK, September 1 – The Earth Institute, Columbia University is pleased to announce a $1 million grant from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation to help improve the health of mothers and children in poor, rural communities within the Millennium Villages project (MVP). These funds will support activities to increase access to… read more

by |October 5, 2010

Report from the Field: The Tro-Tro – An Essential Mode of Transport in Accra, Ghana

The following is a guest blog, authored by Victoria Okoye, a Millennium Cities Initiative researcher, who has been investigating urban transportation issues in Accra, Ghana.

Researching urban transport in Accra, Ghana, this summer on behalf of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly and the Millennium Cities Initiative, I learned a lot about the city’s most well-known, loved, hated, but essential modes of transport. Tro-tros, as they are called here, are minibuses that seat 10 to 19 persons and operate along set routes inside the city. They transport 70% of Accra residents traveling to work and shopping, making it the most widely used form of transportation.

by |September 29, 2010

Over $1m in New Commitments to Support Earth Institute Work

Today, two of the world’s leading companies announce grants and technical support totaling more than $1,000,000 aimed at ending global poverty by 2015.

by |September 21, 2010

Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development Partners with the Earth Institute to Advance Technology to Help Achieve the MDGs for Health

New York, September 21 – The Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development and the Earth Institute, Columbia University today announced a new partnership in support of the Ghana Telemedicine Project, a pilot to use the latest in information and communications technology to improve point-of-service health care services in the Millennium Village of Bonsaaso, Ghana. With this… read more

by |September 21, 2010

MCI’s MDG Heroes Series: Kumasi Metropolitan Health Director Reduces Maternal Mortality

In the Millennium City of Kumasi, Ghana, the Maternal Mortality Ratio was on the rise until 2009. But a sustained and dedicated effort on the part of the Kumasi Metropolitan Health Directorate and its director, Dr. Kwasi Yeboah-Awudzi, has resulted in dramatically reduced maternal deaths over the last 18 months. Dr. Yeboah-Awudzi’s direction included upgrading frontline facility infrastructure to accommodate safe deliveries, performing more cesareans at these facilities and intensifying public education regarding the importance of ante-natal visits. In celebration of this week’s UN MDG Summit, MCI interviewed this “MDG Hero” about his work to advance Target 1 of Millennium Development Goal 4.

by |September 20, 2010