glacial retreat Archives - State of the Planet

Timelines Project Paints the Lines of Glacier Retreat

Artist Fabian Oefner used drones and long-exposure photography to paint light trails on two Swiss glaciers, creating glowing lines that bring the glaciers’ dramatic retreats into high relief.

by |September 24, 2020

Ben Orlove on the Anthropology of Climate Change and Glacier Retreat

Scientist Ben Orlove discusses why it’s important to bring an anthropological dimension to the science of climate change and glacial retreat.

by |July 10, 2019
mountaintop glaciers in Trafoi, Italy

Mountain-Dwellers Adapt to Melting Glaciers Without Necessarily Caring About Climate Change

A new study challenges the assumption that communities have to believe in climate change before they can take action.

by |May 30, 2019

The Glaciers Are Going

Glaciers around the world have retreated at unprecedented rates and some have disappeared altogether. The melting of glaciers will affect drinking water supplies, water needed to grow food and supply energy, as well as global sea levels.

by |May 5, 2017