hurricanes Archives - State of the Planet

Tropical Cyclones Linked to Rise in Hospitalizations of Older Adults

Hospitalizations from many causes rise for older U.S. adults rise in the days following big storms, a new study confirms.

by |March 9, 2021
flooding in south carolina

Columbia Researchers Team With Global Firm to Enhance Hurricane Risk Scenarios

The enhanced models will enable insurers to analyze the financial implications of catastrophic events and to understand which areas are most at risk.

by |November 16, 2020

Study Quantifies Potential COVID-19 Spread From Hurricane Evacuation

Spread of the coronavirus during a hurricane evacuation could be minimized by directing evacuees to the right areas and taking proper measures, say researchers.

by |August 13, 2020

Understanding and Predicting Hurricanes in a Warmer World

Scientists at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory use models and observations to understand tropical storms and advance the science of predicting them.

by |July 13, 2020

Future Hurricanes: Fast Like Ike or Slow Like Harvey?

Climate change will intensify winds that steer hurricanes north over Texas in the late 21st century, increasing the odds for fast-moving storms like 2008’s Ike, compared with slow-movers like 2017’s Harvey, says new research.

by |July 6, 2020
subtropical storm in Atlantic

What the Forecast for an Active Hurricane Season Means for the Atlantic Region

Climate scientist Suzana Camargo shares some cautionary words.

by |June 4, 2020

Rain, More Than Wind, Led to Massive Toppling of Trees in Hurricane Maria, Says Study

The surprising finding suggests that future hurricanes stoked by warming climate may be even more destructive to forests than scientists have already projected.

by |March 9, 2020

Damaging Rains From Hurricanes Can Be More Intense After Winds Subside

According to new research, the rains that come once the storm has weakened may actually be more intense than when the storm is at its strongest.

by |December 3, 2019
adam sobel speaking

Adam Sobel Testifies on Extreme Weather and Climate Change: Uncertainty is Not Our Friend

In a hearing of the House Science Committee, the meteorologist weighed in on heatwaves and hurricanes, and underscored the need for action.

by |September 26, 2019

Climate Change is Destroying a Barrier That Protects the U.S. East Coast from Hurricanes

A new study finds that as air circulation patterns change with the climate, coastal states could get hit with stronger hurricanes.

by |May 24, 2019