nature Archives - State of the Planet

How Lessons From Bees, Leaves and Our Own Blood May Help Us Save Civilization

A new book argues that humanity can stave off catastrophe by observing how natural systems have evolved simple strategies to assure their survival.

by |December 1, 2020
sparrow in a tree

The Search for Nature in Times of Crisis and Beyond

Seeing nature outside of the city has always been a privilege very few New Yorkers could afford. The rest of us can cope with being housebound by shifting how we define ‘nature.’

by Daniella Simari |June 12, 2020
isabelle seckler stands near tree and river

Biomimicry 101: Nature and the College Freshman

Sustainable development student Isabelle Seckler explains how nature taught her the most important lessons she has learned all year.

by Isabelle Seckler |May 25, 2020
prairie wildflowers in restored ecosystem

Nature-Based Solutions: The Missing Ingredient in Climate Adaptation?

Restoring natural ecosystems can make communities more resilient to climate change while offering other benefits along the way.

by |June 28, 2019

The Pope’s Challenge on Climate Change

Pope Francis’s broad-ranging encyclical warns that we are destroying our common home and face an immense and urgent challenge to protect it. But it goes far beyond just the subject of climate change, calling for a holistic and sustainable future.

‘Oysters, Pearls of Long Island Sound’ at The Bruce Museum

“Oysters, Pearls of Long Island Sound,” on display now at The Bruce Museum of Arts and Sciences, is both informative and visually engaging. Running until March 23, the exhibition introduces the ecology and evolutionary history of these mollusks, but that’s not all. True to a museum of both art and science, The Bruce has drawn in local history as well, displaying oystermen’s tools, vintage oyster advertisements, and even an early American Impressionist painting. This exhibit highlights the tremendous impact that oysters have had on New England, both ecologically and culturally.

by |March 7, 2014

Reflections on an Ecological Study Abroad Experience

“Everything is so alive in the forest. After a nice summer rain it teems with insects, birds and the famous coquis, Puerto Rico’s native frogs. The song of the coquis take a little getting used to, but they soon lull you to sleep in the humid nights,” says Jennifer Mendez, a student in the first class of the Summer Ecosystem Experience for Undergraduates in Puerto Rico.

by |November 15, 2012

Scientists Discover New Species of Monkey

In a gigantic and remote rainforest of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a team of scientists have discovered a new species of Old World monkey known as the “Lesula.”

by |September 21, 2012

Summer 2012 SEE-U Study Abroad Experience

Summer 2012 applications for the Student Ecosystem Experiences for Undergraduate program are now being accepted. Undergraduate students of all majors can apply for the opportunity to conduct field work and study unique ecosystems abroad.

by |March 5, 2012

Two Wren Brains Are Better Than One

When researchers observed activity in the brains of plain-tailed wrens while singing, they discovered something striking: In both sexes, the neurons reacted more strongly to the duet song than individual contributions — they are seemingly wired to enhance cooperation.

by |November 7, 2011