ozone layer Archives - State of the Planet

Ozone Treaty Stopped Jet-Stream Drift in Southern Hemisphere

Researchers long ago predicted that the 1987 Montreal Protocol, banning ozone-depleting gases, would reverse a worrisome trend in Southern Hemisphere winds. A new study shows they were right.

by |March 27, 2020

Ozone-Depleting Substances Caused Half of Late 20th-Century Arctic Warming, Says Study

A study finds that ozone-depleting substances caused about a third of all global warming from 1955 to 2005, and half of Arctic warming and sea ice loss during that period.

by |January 20, 2020

Without the Montreal Protocol, More Intense Tropical Cyclones

Using one of the most advanced atmospheric computer models available, scientists compared our expected future with a scenario in which ozone-depleting substances had never been regulated.

by |February 1, 2016

Bad Ozone Days in Western U.S. Linked to Pacific Weather

A new study shows that ozone pollution in the western United States can be increased by La Niña, a natural weather cycle at the surface of the Pacific Ocean. The finding is the first to show that the La Nina-El Nino cycles directly affects pollution.

by |May 12, 2015

Have We Crossed the 9 Planetary Boundaries?

“The world needs to awaken itself to the looming catastrophe of global warming,” said Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute, at a recent meeting in Muscat. “We must provide a safe operating space where vested interest and lobby-driven policies will not see the world marching into disaster.”

by |August 5, 2011