Patagonia Archives - State of the Planet

researchers on horseback with mountains in the background

Ghosts of Glaciers Past Hint at Future Climate Challenges

Glacial remains suggest that climate patterns in the southern hemisphere have been out of step with those in the north. Understanding why could help project the effects of modern climate change.

by Lindsay Key |December 9, 2020
lots of small bits of plastic

Water Samples Reveal Microplastics in Remote Patagonian Fjord System

Microscopic bits of plastic have been discovered in remote pristine Chilean Patagonia, with implications for ecosystem and human health.

by |December 2, 2020
Patagonia glacier in Chile.

Ancient Data Provides Insights for Managing Future Flood Risks in Patagonia

Flood reconstruction in Patagonia allows for enhanced scientific understanding of glacier lake outburst floods, which are a major threat in mountain communities.

by |November 11, 2020

National Parks in Argentina: Scenery or Sovereignty?

A new study traces the political and economic forces that led to the creation and development of Los Glaciares National Park in Patagonia.

by |October 23, 2020
A small lake sits in the middle of a lush green meadow, with glacier-covered mountains in the background.

Ancient Peoples in Patagonia Who Adapted to Changing Climate Offer Insights for Today

Fish bones reveal the seasonal fishing patterns of Patagonians thousands of years ago, illustrating how prehistoric communities adapted to their environments.

by |July 16, 2020
ice core replica with glacier in background

Glaciers May Record the Story of the Coronavirus Pandemic

Reductions in human emissions and changes in atmospheric composition during the coronavirus pandemic might be observed in future glacial ice cores.

by |June 18, 2020

How High Will Sea Levels Rise?

Scientists from Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory are trying to determine how high sea levels may rise in the future by studying the shorelines of the past. Led by a team of researchers including Lamont climate scientist and marine geologist Maureen Raymo, the goal of Pliomax is to increase the accuracy of global sea level estimates for the Pliocene era, which occurred about 3 million years ago.

by |May 29, 2014