penguins Archives - State of the Planet

Antarctica. Courtesy of the Long Term Ecological Research Network

What Happens to Ecosystems When Antarctica’s Ice Melts?

A special section in the October issue of BioScience featuring research by Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory scientists examines the effects of intense melting on two Antarctic ecosystems, tracking impacts all the way from microbial food webs to shifting penguin populations.

by |October 13, 2016
Penguins in West Antarctica

Climate Is Changing Fast in West Antarctica

Fast-rising temperatures on the Antarctic Peninsula are having an impact on the ice and marine life, and providing clues about future ecosystem changes elsewhere.

by |November 20, 2015

Antarctica’s Wildlife in a Changing Climate

We hear a lot about polar bears and other Arctic mammals in connection to climate change, but what about biodiversity in Antarctica?

by |October 26, 2015

Studies Find Climate Change to Disrupt Antarctic and Tropical Ecosystems

A recent study finds that West Antarctica’s ecosystem is highly correlated to its climate. As a result, climate change will have a negative impact on its ecological relationships, from plankton to penguins. Antarctica isn’t alone – climate change will also affect tropical ocean ecosystems by causing mass coral bleaching.

by |August 14, 2014