peru Archives - State of the Planet

A vicuña, a relative of a llama, stands on a jumble of rocks in front of a large glacier in the background.

Vicuña Dung Brings Vegetation to the High Andes

Latrines created by vicuñas, wild relatives of llamas, provide vital nutrients for plants on post-glaciated mountain landscapes in the Andes.

by |December 22, 2020
A milky blue lake sits at the base of snowy mountains and is surrounded by dark brown rocks.

Five Years In, Legal Team Behind Groundbreaking Huaraz Case Remains Optimistic

A recent panel discussion provided an update on the case of a Peruvian farmer who is taking on one of the world’s largest energy companies over its carbon emissions. 

by |December 4, 2020

A Look at Climate-Caused Harms Unfolding in Peru’s Cordillera Blanca

Focusing on ice loss, glacier hazards, and water variability due to climate change, a new study highlights challenges for communities in Peru’s mountain cryosphere systems.

by |August 26, 2020

When COVID-19 Quarantines Ancestral Andean Rituals

Virtual Indigenous ceremonies reveal the strong bond between mountain communities and their Inca roots.

by |June 24, 2020
palm tree

How to Save a Rainforest: It’s All About Conflict Resolution

A new Earth Institute study offers practical lessons in the implementation of conflict sensitive conservation, a first outside of Africa.

by |August 13, 2019
map of lead samples in cerro de pasco peru

High School Students in Peru Discover Lead Contamination Hotspots

Equipped with a field testing kit originally developed within Columbia’s Earth Institute, the “Lead-Free Kids Peru” project has tested hundreds of soil samples for the toxic metal — and dug up some startling results in the process.

by |March 29, 2019

Vanishing Glaciers: The Future of Water in Peru’s High Andes

In the high Andes of Peru, glacial retreat poses a complex set of challenges related to water supply.

by |June 12, 2018

Palm Oil in the Amazon: Threat or Opportunity?

Small migratory farming is responsible for 70% of the annual deforestation in Peru. Can palm oil address this problem and lead the change towards sustainable development in the Peruvian Amazon?

by |February 28, 2018

Palcacocha Icefalls Demonstrate Hazard Vulnerabilities in Peru

In the last week, calving events at Lake Palcacocha in the Peruvian Andes released masses of ice from a glacier on Mount Pucaranra, showing the weakness of the existing infrastructure designed to protect the region from floods.

by |June 12, 2017

When Environmental Oversight Takes a Back Seat

The government of Peru faces significant pressure to encourage growth and investment in the mining sector, but this has also put pressure on the government’s ability to properly assess environmental impacts.

by |April 15, 2016