plants Archives - State of the Planet

As Climate Warms, Plants May Demand More Water, Cutting Supplies for People

New study challenges many climate scientists’ expectations that plants will make much of the world wetter in the future.

by |November 4, 2019

How Did Africa’s Grasslands Get Started?

Millions of years ago, vegetation across much of the world underwent a transformation as grasses with a new way of doing photosynthesis displaced previously dominant plants, shrubs and trees. A new study examines what got these plants started, and why they spread so far and wide.

by |July 22, 2019

How Australia Got Planted

A new study has uncovered when and why the native vegetation that today dominates much of Australia first expanded across the continent.

by |May 21, 2018

Don’t Worry About Doomsday, Botanists Have a Plan

A new initiative of the Smithsonian Institution is building a frozen library cataloging snippets of plant tissue from every species on the planet.

by |July 10, 2015

Conservation of Biodiversity in Orquídeas National Park

Researchers from The New York Botanical Garden are working to document the plant life in Las Orquídeas National Park, one of the last remaining prized and unexplored rainforests that borders Columbia’s Pacific coast.

by |September 20, 2011

How Plants Could Impact Global Warming

Biodiversity influences climate at local, regional and global levels, yet most climate models do not take biodiversity into consideration because its variables and effects are too diverse and complex to compute.

by |February 12, 2011