population data Archives - State of the Planet

Woman administering polio vaccine to a child

Technology Behind GRID3 Program Helps Eradicate Wild Polio in Nigeria

Geospatial data holds great potential to improve health, food security, and educational opportunities in developing countries.

african women walking along road

GRID3 Project Aims to Put Everyone on the Map

Detailed population data from the project is helping to protect against disease and plan for new schools in low- and middle-income countries. It may also enhance food security and disaster response.

by |December 4, 2019
High-resolution settlement data

CIESIN Teams with Facebook to Develop Open, Improved Settlement Data

New high-resolution population data will help us understand better how people are distributed in many countries throughout the world—as part of Facebook’s goal to connect people everywhere to the Internet.

Figure of two images. The one of the left shows 2015 estimates of population density of a coastal region in Kenya from CIESIN’s Gridded Population of the World, version 4 (GPWv4), which is based on census data. On the right, New Facebook estimates of population density in the same coastal region in Kenya. This allocation, which is derived from processing of third party satellite imagery and incorporates GPWv4, provides a higher resolution map of population distribution.

Working with Facebook to Create Better Population Maps

Knowing how settlements are distributed across the landscape—e.g., in clusters, along roads or waterways, or scattered widely—has important implications for designing infrastructure, improving access, and promoting sustainability.