rainfall Archives - State of the Planet

Volcanoes May Have Large, Lasting Impacts on Global Precipitation

A new study employs natural climate archives such as tree rings to better understand volcanoes’ impacts on global rainfall patterns.

by |March 9, 2021

Stronger Rains in Warmer Climate Could Lessen Heat Damage to Crops, Says Study

Intensified rainstorms predicted for many areas in the United States as climate warms could more efficiently water some major crops, which would at least partially offset projected yield declines caused by rising heat itself.

by |August 10, 2020

More Intense Non-Tropical Storms Causing Increased Rainfall in U.S. Southeast

In the Southeastern United States, the increasing amount of rain during hurricane season is coming not from hurricanes but from non-tropical storms created by weather fronts, new research finds.

by |August 7, 2019

Warming Climate Could Abruptly Increase Rain in Africa’s Sahel

Climate change could turn one of Africa’s driest regions wet, according to a new study. Scientists have found evidence in computer simulations for a possible abrupt change in the Sahel, a region long characterized by aridity and political instability. In the study, just published in the journal Earth System Dynamics, the authors detected a self-amplifying… read more

by |July 5, 2017

In a Warmer World, Expect the Wet to Get Wetter, and the Dry, Drier

As the world warms due to human-induced climate change, many scientists have been projecting that global rainfall patterns will shift. In the latest such study, two leading researchers map out how seasonal shifts may affect water resources across the planet.

by |May 31, 2017

Green Sahara’s Ancient Rainfall Regime Revealed

Rainfall patterns in the Sahara during the six-thousand-year “Green Sahara” period have been revealed by analyzing marine sediments, according to new research.

by |January 18, 2017

What Does El Niño Mean, in 3.4 Seconds

Scientists at the International Research Institute for Climate and Society took a moment from their work (a very brief moment) to answer the question, “What does El Niño mean?”

by |January 15, 2016

Tropical Rainfall from Hours to Millennia

Most of Earth’s rainfall occurs in a tropical zonal band that circles the Earth. Understanding how this band will responds to climate change requires us to combine time scales from hours to millennia.

by |September 28, 2015

In India, Reducing the Dependency on Monsoon Precipitation

The Centers for International Projects Trust has undertaken various low cost technological innovations to reduce the amount of water used for the production of rice and wheat in India. Such innovations not only reduce water usage in agriculture but also make farmers less vulnerable to climate variability, especially as it relates to the monsoon season.

by |May 28, 2014