sahel Archives - State of the Planet

A shepherd and his herd in Senegal

Combining Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge Enhances Fire Management in the Sahel

A less predictable climate is undermining traditional decision-making around controlled burns in the Sahel. Columbia’s ACToday project is forging connections to enhance these communities’ resilience to the changing climate.

by Natalie Duncan |March 19, 2021
Elisabeth Ilboudo Nébié sitting on concrete wall

Lisa Ilboudo Nébié: Studying Food Security, Environmental Changes and Migration in West Africa

She studies how environmental changes impact communities around the world, and how communities adapt.

by |February 11, 2021

You Asked: Can the Great Green Wall Stop the Sahara From Expanding?

A climate scientist answers readers’ questions about an initiative that would plant a vast wall of trees to combat the effects of climate change.

by |September 18, 2019
A water reservoir in the Louga region of Northern Senegal.

How Pollution and Greenhouse Gases Affect the Climate in the Sahel

A recent study is the first to show that pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions have directly affected the 20th century evolution of rainfall over a region.

by |March 13, 2019

Columbia Climate Scientist Joins Quest to ‘Make Our Planet Great Again’

The International Research Institute for Climate and Society’s Alessandra Giannini was selected as one of French President’s Macron’s climate laureates.

by |December 12, 2017

Warming Climate Could Abruptly Increase Rain in Africa’s Sahel

Climate change could turn one of Africa’s driest regions wet, according to a new study. Scientists have found evidence in computer simulations for a possible abrupt change in the Sahel, a region long characterized by aridity and political instability. In the study, just published in the journal Earth System Dynamics, the authors detected a self-amplifying… read more

by |July 5, 2017

Reduced U.S. Air Pollution Will Boost Rainfall in Africa’s Sahel, Says Study

If U.S. sulfur dioxide emissions are cut to zero by 2100, as some researchers have projected they will be, rainfall over Africa’s Sahel region could increase up to 10 percent from 2000 levels, computer simulations suggest.

by |May 22, 2017

Green Sahara’s Ancient Rainfall Regime Revealed

Rainfall patterns in the Sahara during the six-thousand-year “Green Sahara” period have been revealed by analyzing marine sediments, according to new research.

by |January 18, 2017

Forecasting Climate, with Help from the Baobab Tree

To improve climate forecasts, scientists study the complex interactions and mechanisms within the climate system. But they also need to hear from potential users of climate information, such as farmers, to get a better understanding of how people may use that information in their decision making.

by |June 21, 2016

IRI@AGU: Schedule of Events + Q&As

Four scientists and one PhD student from the International Research Institute for Climate and Society are attending the 2013 American Geophysical Union’s Fall Meeting. Below are links to Q&As with each of the presenters and the schedule of their posters and presentations.

by |December 6, 2013