SIPA Archives - Page 2 of 2 - State of the Planet

photo of sid shah

Sid Shah: From the Field to Resource Economics and Policy

Sid is attending Columbia’s MSP-ESP program get a more formal training in economics and policy, in order to apply that information in natural resources management legislation and other interests. 

by |March 20, 2018
wind turbines in texas

How Much Do Renewables Actually Depend on Tax Breaks?

The shift to renewable energy is key to combating climate change and reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. But critics argue it won’t be possible without financial support from the government. How important are special tax breaks and other subsides, and do they really work?

by |March 16, 2018
climate migrantion

Hotter Temperatures Will Accelerate Migration of Asylum-Seekers to Europe, Says Study

If carbon emissions hold steady, a new study in Science predicts that the European Union could face a massive influx by 2100.

by |December 21, 2017

Alumni Startup Brings Pay-as-you-Go Solar Energy to Sierra Leone

In Sierra Leone, only 1 percent of rural citizens have access to electricity. Easy Solar, founded by graduates of Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs, hopes to change that.

by |September 25, 2017
map of airline travel

New Program Will Tackle Public Health Threats Around the Globe

From pandemics to food crises and climate-related disasters, Columbia’s new Global Health Security and Diplomacy program will help prevent, detect, and respond to a wide range of problems.

by |September 19, 2017

“Wash your hands!” and Other Advice for Undergraduate Students from Columbia Graduate Students

Ph.D. students delving deep into some of the world’s complex sustainability issues offered advice to current undergraduates interested in pursuing their own research questions.

by |May 14, 2012

From Development Practitioner to National Leader: Lessons from Garry Conille, Prime Minister of Haiti

Haitian Prime Minister Garry Conille met with students and scientists of the Earth Institute to explore core issues of Haiti’s growth and development.

by |December 8, 2011