UNESCO Archives - State of the Planet

Cultural Appropriation in the Peruvian Andes Sparks Discussion Around Indigenous Identity

New research details an emerging politics of indigeneity surrounding Quyllurit’i, a major annual pilgrimage through Peru’s high glaciated peaks.

by |September 22, 2020

Leading Himalayan Organization Takes a Historical Step by Appointing a Leader From Bhutan

Pema Gyamtsho from Bhutan will be the first Asian to ever serve as director general for the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development.

by |August 20, 2020

Population, Consumption and the Future

As the world population grows toward 10 billion, consumption of water, food and energy is expanding at a rate that cannot be maintained without depleting the planet’s resources. If we fail to address these two issues together, we face a grim future of economic, social and environmental ills, warns a new report prepared by a group of scientists and other experts for the Royal Society.

by |April 27, 2012