Water Archives - State of the Planet

people sitting on rocks in muddy area

Study Identifies Ways to Limit Arsenic Contamination From Mines

Certain treatments of mining waste can help prevent arsenic runoff from entering local water supplies, according to a new study.

by Emma Venarde |December 10, 2020

A Look at Climate-Caused Harms Unfolding in Peru’s Cordillera Blanca

Focusing on ice loss, glacier hazards, and water variability due to climate change, a new study highlights challenges for communities in Peru’s mountain cryosphere systems.

by |August 26, 2020

How Water Infrastructure Can Enhance Sustainability

Guests at the Sustainable Development Speaker Series discussed how water infrastructure can be leveraged to protect the environment and address poverty, inequality, and social inclusion.

by Minji Ko |June 5, 2020
great lakes maps

Do Two Failed Dams Foretell a Dire Future?

What happened in Michigan shines a light on our aging and failing infrastructure. The question remains, will we do something now to fix it?

by Upmanu Lall and Paulina Concha Larrauri |May 27, 2020
pearl millet farmer

Less Rice and More Nutritious Crops Will Enhance India’s Food Supply, Study Says

A new study finds that diversifying India’s crops could provide better nutrition for 200 million undernourished people.

by Robert Florida |December 4, 2019

As Climate Warms, Plants May Demand More Water, Cutting Supplies for People

New study challenges many climate scientists’ expectations that plants will make much of the world wetter in the future.

by |November 4, 2019

Education Brings Sectors Together to Address Fluorosis in Alirajpur

A new project from the Center for Sustainable Development and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory will use education interventions to try to curb fluorosis, caused by high fluoride levels in drinking water, in Alirajpur, India.

by |August 12, 2019

Ben Orlove on the Anthropology of Climate Change and Glacier Retreat

Scientist Ben Orlove discusses why it’s important to bring an anthropological dimension to the science of climate change and glacial retreat.

by |July 10, 2019

Meet the Students Studying Environmental Issues in the Middle East in 2019

This July, Columbia University and Tel Aviv University will send graduate students to the Middle East to learn about the environmental challenges facing communities in Jordan and Israel.

by |July 9, 2019

Scientists Map Huge Undersea Fresh-Water Aquifer Off U.S. Northeast

In a new survey of the sub-seafloor off the U.S. Northeast coast, scientists have made a surprising discovery: a gigantic aquifer of relatively fresh water trapped in porous sediments lying below the salty ocean.

by |June 20, 2019