Water Archives - Page 2 of 7 - State of the Planet

Scientists See Fingerprint of Warming Climate on Droughts Going Back to 1900

In an unusual new study, scientists say they have detected a growing fingerprint of human-driven global warming on global drought conditions starting as far back as 1900.

by |May 1, 2019

As Oceans Warm, Microbes Could Pump More CO2 Back Into Air, Study Warns

A new study suggests bacteria may respire more carbon dioxide from the shallow oceans to the air as seas warm, reducing the deep oceans’ ability to store carbon.

by |April 29, 2019
water flowing from a pipe

Columbia Water Center: A Decade of Cutting Edge Research

To mark its anniversary, the Columbia Water Center has released a new report highlighting its achievements over the past decade. Read an excerpt, then download the full report.

by |January 3, 2019
landscape in the páramos

This Unique Andean Ecosystem is Warming Almost as Fast as the Arctic

One science team is finding out why—and investigating what a warmer, drier future will mean for biodiversity and water supply in Latin America.

by |November 15, 2018

SUMA Net Impact Turns Students Into Sustainability Consultants

A matchmaking program pairs Sustainability Management students with industry leaders aspiring to make positive changes.

by |October 30, 2018
Members of the Japan Family Farmers’ Movement showing their support of peasant rights

UN Resolution Would Protect Land and Water Rights of Rural People

This proposed declaration includes a number of rights, and specifically mentions that water resources in mountain ecosystems should be protected against pollution from mining activities.

by |October 5, 2018
LEED Plaque with rankings for water, energy, waste, transportation, human experience

Finally, A Way For Cities To Track and Meet Sustainability Benchmarks

Similar to FitBits tracking human health, LEED for Cities will track the sustainability and well-being of a whole city.

by |August 22, 2018

Vanishing Glaciers: The Future of Water in Peru’s High Andes

In the high Andes of Peru, glacial retreat poses a complex set of challenges related to water supply.

by |June 12, 2018
columbia global centers amman

New Round of Funding Supports Earth Institute Research Around the Globe

The President’s Global Innovation Fund will provide grants to four Earth Institute research projects.

by |May 18, 2018

How We Can All Make Waves: Earth Day Reflections from Columbia Water Center

Members of Columbia Water Center share what Earth Day means to them, and offer ways – large and small – that we can all advocate for water and a healthier planet.

by |April 20, 2018