cities Archives - State of the Planet

The Wall and Trump’s Anti-Immigration Policy Folly

The wall, growing limits on visas, children separated from their parents and the Muslim ban are all examples of Trump’s immigration policy folly.

by |December 21, 2018

Promoting but Regulating Electric Bikes in New York City

We need to be as creative in regulating new technologies and business models as the people who are making and selling these products and services.

by |December 10, 2018

Public Space and the Sustainable City

As our planet becomes more urban, the importance of parks and other public spaces becomes magnified.

by |May 14, 2018

Alum Explores Intersection of Sustainability and Urban Economic Development

MS in Sustainability Management alum Monica Munn has nearly 10 years of experience working to design and execute programs that make cities more sustainable, resilient, and economically inclusive.

by |April 26, 2018

Moving Towards 100% Renewable Energy: Drivers Behind City Policies and Pledges

As the United States federal government retreats from energy innovation and environmental regulation, local and regional efforts across the U.S. are scaling up.

by |April 24, 2018
new york sustainable city

The Transition to the Sustainable City, Here in New York

We have an opportunity to build an exciting, dynamic and transformative model sustainable city.

by |April 9, 2018
urban density

California’s Misguided Attempt to Force Urban Density

Government should encourage urban living by making it more affordable and attractive, and provide incentives for density; it should not try to mandate it.

by |March 19, 2018

Main Streets, Malls, and Sustainable Consumption

As new technologies continue to change consumption patterns, land use and social norms, we have an opportunity to ensure these changes result in an exciting sustainable lifestyle in a new type of sustainable city.

by |November 15, 2017

Getting the Tools to Get Hired

Alan Burchell is the founder and principal of Urbanstrong, which he started shortly after graduating from Columbia’s Master of Science in Sustainability Management program in 2014. When choosing courses, Alan encourages MSSM students to fill up their tool belts. In his experience, “Knowledge is great, but tools get you hired.” Alan recommends to take classes that will teach you a transferable skill.

by |June 1, 2017

Resiliency Strategies to Sustain Businesses and Livelihoods

Sustainability Management alum Krista Eichenbaum (’16) moved from Toronto to attend the MSSM program to better address resiliency challenges in cities. She is currently Project Analyst and Manager at a women-owned engineering consulting firm, specializing in civil engineering, urban planning, and sustainability.

by |March 9, 2017